sleep issues : I have had constant Tinnitus... - Tinnitus UK

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sleep issues

Kinghope profile image
25 Replies

I have had constant Tinnitus mainly in Right side. CT scan revealed small cyst in right sinus, but no physical cause of Tinnitus. That was 2 years ago. I have been managing until last week when the volume increased so much I am struggling to get to sleep and when I wake up in the night it can take a while to fall asleep again. EarPods for TV and music when it is quiet in the house. These allow me to still hear if family need me.

day ok

Night not good

any suggestions for short term options for sleep

I have contacted my Doctor but two weeks before a telephone appointment.

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Kinghope profile image
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25 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

the problem with age, Kinghope, is that your sleep becomes disrupted.

Way back in the past when we were candle-lit, people would go to be early and be wakeful during the right, taking that time to maybe have a snack or do whatever people do in bed! Apparently Samuel Pepys wrote about it in his diary.

And it gets worse with age. So possibly nothing to do with the tinnitus!!

Personally I make sure I’m tired when I go to bed, having done my ten thousand paces most days and a session with Joe Wicks on Utube.

If I wake and am still awake after an hour I get up and read a book for an hour, ensuring that my electric blanket is on so when I get back to bed I fall asleep quickly. I keep the bedroom cool.

If you Google “sleep hygiene” I think these nd other suggestions come up.

Finally, are you familiar with Tinnitus UK? (Formerly British tinnitus association). Lots of hits and tips there.

doglover1973 profile image

Hi Kinghope T can get louder . It happened to me several years ago and affected my sleep enormously. The good news is you can learn to sleep again . This takes time so ask your GP what the options are. I initially chose over the counter Phenergan and then moved onto natural remedy 5HTP . It wasn't easy at first but I can now sleep with loud T . In other words there's hope. Hang in there.

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

Hi Doglover1973Just wondering how much 5HTP you take and what time before bedtime

Does it affect your T?

Do you take it every night long term



doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to DR650SE

Hi Peter . I used to take one 50mg capsule with half a small banana at 9pm every evening. An hour before I went to bed. I did this up until last Summer .. so for about a year and a half. It had no effect on my T at all. I ran out and realised I was sleeping OK .

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

My problem is ridiculous. I am now off Mirtazapine and back to my old sleeplessness

I can be quite relaxed reading in bed ,but as soon as I turn the light off my heart starts thumping .It keeps me awake the whole night and I don't even doze for 5 minutes

This is no exaggeration

My anatomic nervous system is so sensitized by tinnitus that it goes into overdrive at night time

I shall try 5HTP .

If the heart just chilled out ,sleep wouldn't be a problem

The heart has been tested and is ok

I might post later and see what responses I get

Thanks replying

doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to DR650SE

I'm sorry. I know you've suffered for a long time. There are no easy answers. I suppose what it comes down to is trying to soothe the central nervous system. If at all possible. It's a good idea to post and see if anyone can shed light on the matter .

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

Thanks I have posted However I definitely will try your 5HTP 👍👍👍

Sassyjax1 profile image
Sassyjax1 in reply to DR650SE

How is your sleep these days? Was there anything that helped for you?

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to Sassyjax1

I resisted medication but in the end succumbed and am taking a baby dose 7.5mg Mirtazapine I am sleeping 6-6 5 hours

For me it has been a blessing

Sassyjax1 profile image
Sassyjax1 in reply to DR650SE

Glad something is working for you. My worry is that I’ve got to drive my little girl to school, so don’t want to be groggy.

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to Sassyjax1

I haven't experienced any grogginess whatsoever and it has had no impact on my driving

It makes you feel more settled within yourself and less anxious about T

Hope this helps

Sassyjax1 profile image
Sassyjax1 in reply to DR650SE

Thanks for your advice.

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

Hello doglover1973

There are so many conflicting stories on the internet about 5HTP

Pros and cons relating to tinnitus

I must admit that I am wary about trying it

I tried CBD drops with 0,1 % THC to make me sleep but after 4 days woke up with jet engines in my head

Has abated only slightly

Karlos 99 had the same CBD experience after 4 days

I don't like that thought of more noise because of 5 HTP but probably will have to give it ago

Does it work from day 1 of taking ?


doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to DR650SE

Hi Peter . Only take it if you feel happy about doing so. There's no one size fits all. I got mine from Higher Nature in the UK - if that helps. It was a slow process for me. I gradually slept better over time.

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

Just wondering please how long you had to take 5HTP for to feel that you were having a restful sleep?I was hoping that there might be some benefit right from the start in terms of making you feel slightly dozy?

doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to DR650SE

It's hard to say .. I took Phenergan for the first three months which made feel very dozy. 5HTP doesn't have quite the same effect - especially in small doses. I just gradually slept better and for longer over the next six to nine months. I hope it does the same for you if you decide to take it.

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

I guess you took phernugun daily for the first 3 months?

Was there a period where you overlapped phenurgun with 5HTP and then transitioned off the phenurgun onto purely 5HTP

Thanks again doglover1973 for all of your advice

doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to DR650SE

You're welcome Peter . I hope I can help. I still remember the sleepless nights .. I took Phenergan every three nights. It made me too drowsy to take it more often. Towards the end of the three months I was sleeping better - at least four hours a night - so I gave it up and moved on to 5HTP every night. There was no overlap and no withdrawals from Phenergan.

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

ThanksIt really gives me options


DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

Sorry to interrogate

If you took it every 3 nights does this mean twice a week?


doglover1973 profile image
doglover1973 in reply to DR650SE

Literally every three nights - mon, thurs, sun etc. It worked for me.

DR650SE profile image
DR650SE in reply to doglover1973

Sounds like a plan Thanks

Marius123 profile image

I had my first encounter with tinnitus about 3 years ago, I got very scared and panicked when I heard this constant sound in my brain but after reading lots about it I came to the conclusion that I had to make a friend of it,to perceive it, not as a threat but why not, as an aid to help me sleep for instance.So I considered it as a frequency,as a sound that you listen when you want to fall asleep and slowly, slowly I haven t noticed it' s presence at all.Now, I m noticing it only when I read something about tinnitus as is the case now. Otherwise is just a noise there in the background same as the wind, the cars on the road,the rain, the planes flying constantly near my place or any other sound in the nature.The moment we stop identifying and isolating it from the vast ocean of sounds surrounding us every single minute, it s when we become free of it s dominance and we start coabitating wit it.This is the way...the only way!

daverussell profile image

I've found the best remedy is your routine (an early night) and diet. I go to bed about between 8.30-9pm. This time of year is easier because it's dark, but I wear a headband speakers (to mask tinnitus and relax) which doubles up as a facemask -

As suggested above look at the website and speak to your doctor. My doctor prescribed me Sertraline to help with the frustration of Hyperacusis (for the most part I've habituated to Tinnitus - it just has it's moments). He said Sertraline would help with my sleep or help me get a deeper sleep by reducing the anxiety.

I've always suffered from insomnia so I can't blame tinnitus 100%. I've just always been an active person. Tinnitus certainly contributes to not being able to fall asleep, when I wake up I focus on it on it more.

All the best

bournville profile image

Hi sorry to hear your struggling l used to have sleep issues with tinnitus too. Since learning about and using “ mindfulness of breathing “ techniques I can sleep well. A good place to start is look up “Jon kabbat zinn “ a respected author on the subject who has produced many audio recordings showing how to practice. Please don’t be put off by the idea it can be easily dismissed as new age nonsense until you start doing it. With practice it will put you in a very deep state of calm relaxation conducive to sleep. If you do try it and are struggling to find the right approach msg me and I’ll explain how I do it in a lengthier text than this.

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