Just wanted someone to talk to. I don't think I can stand this any longer. I've had tinnitus for many years following surgery for acoustic neuroma but 3 years ago it spiked to an unbearable level and I cant stand it any longer.
Really struggling : Just wanted someone to talk... - Tinnitus UK
Really struggling

Hello I have tinnitus for some 10 years and like many newcomers to Tinnitus I was scared and frightened to be Blunt it's no quick fix also you have to be patient what support are you getting? Is your Dr advising you on where to get support ? Have you been recommend for hearing aids? All of these are good networks to start to coping with tinnitus over time tinnitus will fluctuate My tinnitus with hearing aids reducing it to a whisper the most important thing is not to listen for your Tinnitus or focus on it keep busy take a hobby up any distraction will take your mind off it have you a local tinnitus group?? Which can help the do's and don't get water in your ears wear ear protector also the British Tinnitus society have a free phone number who will give you advice and I believe send you free reading advice I hope this helps.
Like most of us, it's a vicious circle and difficult to feel that others around us understand. Are there other factors that might be causing you to focus on tinnitus? E.g. stress though family, relationship, employment or all of the above (stress and anxiety can be triggered by high workload or not being challenged enough). This time of year is always a bit of a dampener. Are you using any relaxation and masking? Focus on the positive that you can habituate - meaning you'll just learn to live with it, even if it has it's moments.You are not alone. As already suggest the BTA can help.
Stay strong. We can get through this.
One thing people do not understand is when your tinnitus is very loud its impossible to ignore it or to not listen for it its like somebody's alarm going off next door while your trying to sleep. when your tinnitus is low then yes you can ignore it. I know what you are going through but you will get through this. has the tinnitus flutuated over the last 3 years it can sometimes take a long time before the noise becomes the norm but it does my tinnitus is very loud most of the time but i am used to it and there are times when the noise does get lower. iv gone through stages when i could not stand it any longer but iv got through it and so will you my friend.
Hi Djbt, Sorry you are struggling, if it helps I am also really struggling and just about had enough of the loudness of my constant roar and ringing. I have had tinnitus for years, mine spiked when I had covid 2 years ago and it hasn’t calmed down at all, I try and keep busy during the day and try to distract myself from it, long walks help as I concentrate on outside noises. The more you focus on it the worse it gets, so try and distract yourself if you can and remember you are not alone in this , you have come to the right place for support.
Take care.
hello Yoga62. Just seen your name Yoga and wondered if you are a fan of yoga , like you my tinnitus isn’t very good but try and live my life by keeping busy, this is a bit hard for me at the moment as my back is really not good and arthritis is also dominating my life. Would you therefore recommend this Yoga for back troubles and tinnitus. You see I cannot get up from their floor mats that’s why I’ve not been . Any thoughts , I hope your well today. 😀

Acoustic Neuroma is a difficult condition to navigate, there's no doubt about it. Have you been in touch with BANA-UK, the charity dedicated to supporting people who have developed an acoustic neuroma?
Their website is here - bana-uk.com/ - and they offer helpline support as well.
Stay strong my friend, saying it out loud is the best thing to do. Don't let it fester. You are doing OK, three years is a long time, sounds like you have incredible strength and resilience. You are just in a moment, it will pass, you will get through it, I promise. Been there myself, you are in the darkest place possible, but you won't always be.
Just remember, when it gets really bad, you are not alone. Everyone on here knows and understands.
When it gets really bad for me, I lie down in a pitch black room, in complete silence.
I close my eyes and let the tinnitus roar.
Then I realise, it ain't so bad, it's just noise.
Love and regards
Yay Djbt, losing total hearing in one ear sucks and having intrusive T in that ear 24/7 and the other ear sucks even more! I see from your previous that someone mentioned biCross hearing aids. I was never offered them but I was given an NHS hearing aid about five years ago and apart from a slight improvement in hearing in my good ear it did absolutely nothing for my T at all. After 35 years I just try to be BFF with it as I know it's not going anywhere anytime soon. I am an insomniac and now just sleep when I can, it's not ideal but at least I get some sleep eventually.
Best Wishes
just wanted to send you support and good wishes on this journey, and it is a journey. Some of it will be smooth paths and glorious sunshine and then there will be pot holes and bumps in the road. Remember, nothing in life is permanent, everything changes all the time. There's always blue sky - even if the clouds get in the way sometimes. Stay strong and you're not alone xI