I have had Tinnitus for fifteen years now , a very loud hissing with a sharp edge to it.... terrible but i learnt to live with it. Three weeks ago now i had a Holep prostate cancer opp , i was given various Antibiotics to deal with an infection .
My Tinnitus is now through the roof ... hissing , humming , whining , whistling all around my head , i cannot sleep , think straight , very scared of what will become of me , I tried to drive but the noises are so great i could not concentrate and had to come home just after five minutes of driving .. i have other medical issues but this noise is so overwhelming it makes me sick ..... im hoping it will calm down but there is no sign of it doing so ...... Im 74 with a young family and am feeling that this is the end for me .... Doctor just told me to go and pay to get my ears vacuumed out .... said it would be many months maybe even a year before i could get to ENT and he could not refer me at the moment anyway ..... I have been pacing around the house at night mainly crying .... I had to have the opp but now really wish i had not.... any help please............