Have an appointment at Specsavers next week to check
Wax levels.Have been advised to use this spray,but have developed T over last 11 days and not sure what to use or to go or not.
Have an appointment at Specsavers next week to check
Wax levels.Have been advised to use this spray,but have developed T over last 11 days and not sure what to use or to go or not.
Hi. I'm not sure if you are using audiclean and subsequently developed tinnitus. If so then maybe a good idea to discontinue. Is the idea to soften the wax prior to removal. I had micro suction at Specsavers 5 months ago and got tinnitus from that, do maybe be careful. Maybe an olive oil spray will soften it enough for the wax to slowly clear itself.
Thanks for advise much appreciated.Had T first and as I have a history of wax build up thought I should start cleaning them.But I don’t have any lossOf hearing so may stop now in case it makes things worse.Sorry Specsavers
Micro suction did damage to you.May just have ears checked first and then
See what to do.Only had this T for two weeks ,prior I had had a sinus problem,maybe an infection caused it.
Hi Hammer49
If you have a wax build up that could be what is causing your tinnitus.
I agree with Suzysunday - try an olive oil spray - I use Earol.
If you have doubts about the Audiclean then don`t use.
Thanks for that Lynne,will try the olive oil spray,and see what Specsavers Say next Tuesday.Might have to choose between micro suction that might clear this T or avoid and hope the spray helps.
Hello Hammer. I’ve read all the posts in reply to your original enquiry and would just like to say that I had T before microsuction, which I’ve now had five times I think. Each time I’ve found it’s the only way to clear wax other that syringing which isn’t now offered. Various oils help to soften the wax but - in my case- deafness eventually happens due to wax.AND I’ve found that T is much better after the suction - though it never goes away of course.
Thank you for your reply it is very appreciated.I have had build up of wax several times when I hadn’t experienced T before.At those times I Had partial ear loss,and micro suction always cleared it.Now two weeks
Into having T I haven’t had the usual signs of wax build up,or hearing loss.
Just a bit of crackle and slight stickyness I’m using Earl ol an olive oil spray.
I have to decide 1,just have an ear examination to see if there is a wax
build .
.2.If it is do I risk micro suction with compromised ears.
3.Start process of seeing a ENT specialist.4.Leave and hope it clears away
Hope your ears are not troubling you over Xmas.