Below is an extract from a link given by loulabel yesterday in a blog. This is the link to the full paper which is very interesting, although very medical!
In current times it is fair to say that most people live with cortisol levels consistently much higher than our caveman predecessors. Could this be a significant factor in lowering the all important TSH????????????? And consequently being given a diagnosis of NORMAL!!!
It would seem from this extract that excess cortisol WILL inhibit TSH secretion.
The article is written by a MAIN STREAM DOCTOR, can your GP or Endo dismiss it?
This is the extract:-
Thyroid metabolism in chronic illness
In most chronic illness, defects arise in thyroid hormone metabolism, resulting in the sick euthyroid syndrome. This is characterized by a normal total T4, normal/high free T4, low total T3, low free T3 and an elevated rT3. These changes reflect a reduction in D1 activity, an increase in D3 activity20 and changes in the plasma concentration of thyroid-binding proteins and free fatty acids (which displace thyroid hormones from binding proteins). There are also non-thyroidal influences on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, e.g. cortisol inhibiting TSH secretion.25