Article in todays DM - the comments are interesting and who is "Helen"?.
Moggie x
Article in todays DM - the comments are interesting and who is "Helen"?.
Moggie x
First of all it's the Daily Mail, and if they told me it was daylight outside, I would need to check first!
Typical journalist article though... full of generalisations and vagueness as you would expect.
In any case, it makes no difference... if you are not very significantly outside "normal" hormone levels, you won't get any treatment whatever symptoms you have. Believe me you will get more symptoms than just a few bits of podginess if it's that bad too!
As we all know, TSH has to be way off the scale before you get treated for that too, it's no different for other hormones.
Even with overt and severe Hypogonadism due to long term Opiate pain medication, (low Testosterone among other things) I had to find my own private Consultant, my NHS Endo couldn't give a monkey's, and I am not alone in my experience!
As for Oestrogens... Even with high Oestradiol E2 (an Oestrogen) whilst on Testosterone replacement, getting (easy) treatment for this on the NHS is a challenge!
My tip is to avoid Endos at all costs, and try a Urologist first, much more chance of success as at least they have some guidelines on treating it.
My blog was telling people to look at the interesting comments mainly not about the article, which are saying exactly what you are in as much as the NHS is useless as far as this illness is concerned.
I have a brilliant endo who has and is doing every test under the sun to try and get me on the right track so maybe your tip to avoid endo's at all costs is a bit unfair. Yes some endo's are as useless as GP's but there is good and bad in both, you just have to educate yourself as much as you can and stand your ground with these people.
Moggie x
He might be brilliant for what you see him for, but no I was actually being more specific - for low Testosterone/Andrology issues to avoid Endos at all costs. They simply have not got a clue about it, (even in other countries) we all know Diabetes is their bigger interest, and Thyroid comes way down on that, women's sex hormones are only a slight side interest (more usually left for the gynaecologist instead) and well lower - way, way below that is an interest in MALE sex hormones, and worse they are completely untrained in how to treat such problems at all. Urologists are generally much more interested in it, as sexual dysfunction is an everyday subject for them, and they have a short track record of being involved. A handful of specialist Andrologists are better IF you can find one at all let alone on the NHS, however even then treatment in this country is Dickensian compared to elsewhere in the world - years behind even the everyday practice in some countries, let alone the leading edge protocols.
Unlike for Thyroid problems where there is a list of good Endos and other Doctors, there is no such list for those of us suffering Hypogonadism, and I can carry the list of those who have any reputation at all in my head!