Hot Flushes Or Hypotyroidism?: Has anyone found... - Thyroid UK

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Hot Flushes Or Hypotyroidism?

celticlady profile image
17 Replies

Has anyone found they have hot flushes even though post-menopausal? I'm 56, on 50mcg Levo and have felt reasonably ok for a while now -not a sweat for ages then recently have had continuous sweaty flushes-really feeling the heat-even a slightly warm atmosphere can trigger it off. On the plus side, I'm saving a bit on the gas bill!

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celticlady profile image
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17 Replies
hooper profile image

Hi celticlady! Yes, I get hot flushes too. I'm also post-menopausal and on 75mcg of Levo. I was told my hot flushes were due to having Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and that they coincided with hyper phases. A specialist gave it as an explanation when I told him I had hot flushes, especially at night. Not looked for confirmation of this fact though. Also believe it may have to do with our bodies poor ability to run at "normal" temperature or to adjust to changes in temperature. There will be others I am sure who will tell you about the physiological facts. I just wanted you to know I experience the same hot flushes after menopause and that it does happen.

Best wishes celticlady....

Jen x

nightingale-56 profile image

Would be so useful to have a meter to test blood like diabetics have, for Hashimoto sufferers, then they could adjust medication accordingly in the hope that it might help.

Hi im on levo 100mg / 50mg got had hot flushes really bad expecially at night didn't sleep much because of it started taking levo at night they seem to have disappeared now getting a good nights sleep

Hope this help.

shezz profile image

Yes I have felt like u I'm on levo 125 one and 100 day after and I suffer hott flushes glad I'm not the only one

Nomumma profile image
Nomumma in reply to shezz

I am on the same dose as Shezz and I get hot flushes, I had a hysterectomy over 20 years ago and was on HRT until January 2012 so I think its must be the thyroid.

Sam75 profile image

Hi there, just thought Id let you know I am 75 and still having sweats....Im on 150 thyrox I cant believe its still menopausal, as mine started when I was 45, so pretty sure its to do with thyroid.

deb25426 profile image

Yeah I get them too, I'm 53 I think I may be post menopausal now, The Lord only knows!! But yep get the hot sweats now and again with a thumping head sometimes! I'm on 125 t4 10 t3 ... I don't care what anyone says,I think even when like me on optimum dose yo still get symptoms now and again!

Zephyrbear profile image

Like everyone here, I am another sufferer. I passed the menopause without any problems at all 10 years ago, but now find myself breaking out in a bright red face as soon as I get too warm for comfort. Thankfully, I don't have the sweats with it, just a very hot face...

picturemaker profile image

My hot flushes began when I was 46, 16 years ago. None while I took HRT but when I stopped that they returned with a vengeance. I use natural progesterone cream which alleviates the problem. I guess alot of hypothyroid women have an eostrogen dominance..

alwaystiredlol profile image

Hi, yes hot flushes for me too. They started almost immediately after starting 25mcg of Levothyroxine 5 years ago. Dose has increased over the years to current of 125mcg every 3rd day, 100mcg in between, had to drop down from 125mcg daily as went from hypo to hyper, the heat intolerance and flushing then was unbearable. Still experience it a bit but is bearable. Diagnosed with rosacea 2 years ago (terrible red hot irritated face) but that started 3 weeks after levo was increased to 125mcg. I'm convinced it was the levo that caused this although docs won't commit to this.

Fun this thyroid lark.....I've never felt "well" since it started!

ravenhex profile image

No idea if this is accurate or one of those GP pulling your leg moments.

A hot flush which starts from your feet and works all way upto your body to the top of your head with drenching sweat = menopause

A hot flash which can cover all or patches without sweat = thyroid.

Having seen my later mum and her menopausal flushes I can say she dripped with sweat and it did start at her feet and went up and always appeared regular as clockwork at night.

My dragon in law also had hers return aftr she stopped HRT. She was told HRT just haults the hot flushes and once stopped those flushes return.

I cant tolerate heat or cold. Too hot and I shut down, too cold and i shut down. my core temperature is higher than normal and my temperature is all over the show. I put that down to the thyroid bt also I have mass infection lurking somewhere as it shows in my bloodworks but no idea where it is.

celticlady profile image

Thanks so much to everyone who has responded-and thanks ravenhex for this really useful info. I don't have the night sweats so it sounds like thyroid flashes. Yet another damned symptom!!

I can recommend red clover for hrt meno flushes-it worked for me.

Maybe I'm a vitamin short somewhere-these hotties come and go-we may never know.

Take care all-I'll be posting again soon with yet another symptom!

I just can't believe all what I'm seeing. So many people having the same problem! So why can't doctors help.. I'm almost 70, been on HRT for a long time because of an early hysterectomy. I suffer from heat all the time (and the cold too). Never know what to wear, think twice about going into shops in the winter, my forehead is drenched all the time. I was diagnosed with hypo 2 years ago and put on Levo 50 mg. and was assured my weight would go down and I would feel better. I don't and the weight remains! I saw an endocrinologist and had all sorts of tests and all normal. I despair now and really don't know where to turn. Might try selenium next. It helps (a little) to see other people with the same problem though :-)

bossbird profile image

Hi all I'm in the same boat I get a hot feeling seems to come from my upper body core don't know if I'm under or over medicated so confusing I have symptoms of under medicated including sudden weight gain and scalp issues which is usually a sign I need to up meds it's a constant battle

twinbulls profile image

I, too, am suffering badly from hot flushes, also headaches and generally feeling quite nauseous and under par. I have been taking 100mcg two days running, then 125mcg on the third day and had started to feel very tired etc so switched to 100mcg and 125mcg on alternate days. It seems that is when the hot flushes started do I'm going to revert back and hope the flushes go away! What is the benefit of taking if selenium?

Kimbkr profile image

Yes I'm the same age my flushes have returned in on 100mg every other day and 75mg the rest ..I can't cope with heat and hurt all over

Still shattered

Tracey1163 profile image

Hi Celticlady

I am 53 post menopausal with hot flushes day & night. It's driving me mad. I literally drip from my forehead &it's driving me crazy. I only have to touch another part of my body & that starts dripping! I have curly hair but I sweat so much my hair ends up crinkly & ringing wet. Weather doesn't make it better or worse. I cud sleep with a fan on 24/7/365! But hubby won't like it. I sleep with no sheet/duvet on even in the winter. Any suggestions to ease these welcome.

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