Any weight loss tips: Is any one one T3 ? Have... - Thyroid UK

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Any weight loss tips

12 Replies

Is any one one T3 ?

Have you had a sucess in loosing weight if you needed to?

Has it taken longer than 'normal'-I hate to use the word normal

What was the diet


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12 Replies

I'm not on T3, but have had some success with weight loss recently by giving up completely cakes, biscuits and crisps and replacing them with low cal snacks ie kellogs nutri-grain bars, yoghurt covered raisins and cheese quavors. I also cut down on potatoes and three times a week I am eating the new M&S high protein balanced carbs ready prepared meals called 'fuller longer'. I can't exercise as much as I'd like to because I suffer from breathlessness so the weight loss has been slow, 11 pounds since November but none of this weight loss has gone off my belly which remains bloated and unsightly making it diffiuclt for me to wear and buy new clothes.

smudgerthepainter profile image

Hi good luck with the weight loss! The only time I ever lost weight (4 stone) was following a stone age diet (similar to atkins) which avoided all REFINED carbs. I ate meat, fish, eggs,veg, fruit (sparingly) and avoided sugar and starch: Bread, Pasta, Rice, Cereal, Chocolate. Everything has to be" whole" nothing processed. Avoid LOW Cal and Lighter, Diet etc as they are all padded out with extra carbs. Your body needs Fat and a nub of cheese will be digested slowly making you feel fuller longer. At the point I moved on to the caveman Diet I had religiously followed the Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Regeme for 6 months and lost 8lbs although it seemed to suit those round me, they lost weight consistently. The cutting out of Carbs is the only thing that works fo me and I know when things are on the slide as I start craving bread and Choc!

As for T3, after a 5 year break I have persuaded my endo to reinstate it and am delighted to report that within a very short time of resuming it my depression vanished and has not come back even through the darkest days of winter! be aware that it is not a "weigh loss pill" but may work by illiminating your carb cravings. And speed up your metabolism slightly by raising your temperature by making available to your body useable T3 instead of it being dependant on you converting t4 into possibly non useable Rt3.

GOOD LUCK, keep us posted how you get on.

in reply to smudgerthepainter

Thank you for your reply.

I certainly will be letting you know xxxx

TinainKent profile image

Hi Reikimaster,

I also am not on T3. Only T4 (not happy). However, I agree with the comments with regard to Carbs. You have to have a diet with a low GL (Glycaemic index)

when you have weight issues with thyroid problems. There is a chapter in Dr Peatfields book, he recommends The Holford Low GL diet. If you didn't want to get a book then if you search for GL index on the net you should be able to find a site that lists the GL for most common foods including processed. Be warned the last time I did it it was more than 50 pages (so better to download).

Do not expect the weight to 'drop off' when you are hypothyroid. A few years ago when I first found out about GL and before I was diagnosed the weight dropped off (I have always been on the cuddly side). During the time I did not know that I was hypo and feeling aweful I lapsed. I recently started on it again and the weight does appear to be going, but not as quickly as I would like.

If I haven't bored you to death and you want to chat please contact me as I can talk on the subject of diets forever.

Thank you ALL for taking the time to give me some of you helpful tips.

Right- here is my short story. Been gradually gaining the dreaded fat, mainly accumilating around my abs and under arms. however I cannot understand why I have gained because I have been dieting since last March,following the slimming world diet plan,the green plan as I am vegetarian and cannot revert to eating meat, I also weight train!!!

I have gained 3 stone in weight. I was going for 7 mile hikes last summer, exhausting my poor hound, myself included, I was timing myself and I managed to walk the distance in 1 hour and 40 mins, then I was going home for more training,either kettlebells or weight training.

I was done in, but persisted as I was failing at the slimming group-everyone was saying 'you must not be following the plan, your cheating, you need to excersise more....huh how much more could I do.

I had my thyroid rechecked as a lady from the class took me to one side and offered a shoulder to cry on, she asked if it could be my thyroid, I told her I was on thyroxine already (200mcg) My doc had me tested all came back OK, I then asked for a meno test as my periods were hurrendous, to cut a very long tale short, I went to see an endo last september who sent me for a synathen test, this came back normal, the endo then told me to look at my home life due to all the symptoms-headaches ,muscle aches,hairloss, period problems, depression. Ive never in my life met such an obnoxious heartless pompus man, who was very disturbingly not at all bothered about my health. He practically told me to go and see another consultant, so I did. WOW he's a gem a real trooper. He offered me a trial of T3 looking at my history, also asking about my troubling symptoms. I have now had the dose increased to 10mcg in the morning and 10mcg in the afternoon. I have only increased the dose today, but as I am impatient I thought I would get the ball rolling by asking the question. Congratulations for reading this far,

Thanks folks

xx Caroline xx

Angel54 profile image
Angel54 in reply to

Hi Caroline,

Ive sent you a conversation but not sure if you have it yet.

Are you feeling any better since being on the T3?

Love and best wishes Angie xx

in reply to Angel54

Hi Angel,

No hun, not had any message from you.

I have had my dose increased as from today, think it may be a bit early to say as to weather its making any diffrence, but posative thinking im trying to trick my brain into thinking im full of beans again (huh) one can dream cant one......

.If this proves to be unsucessful he did say its going to take a while,he will try T3 only and dismiss the T4

I expect the recovery is due to the incompitance of the last doctor I saw, who said I was fine and did not need any treatment, I have felt unwell for a very long while.

How are you?

Did you get any joy?

Blessings xxxx Caroline xxxxxxx

Angel54 profile image
Angel54 in reply to

Hi Caroline, just sent you a message again.

Hope the T3 gets you better.

Lots of love angie xxxxxxx

justmaz profile image

I am hypo..I lost two stone by cutting potatoes and bread completety from my diet and filling my plate with loads of different vegetables. It has taken a while but to be honest I dont even miss them now. The veggies fill you up and if I felt snacky I would eat an apple or a stick of celery. Hope this helps...good luck.

Ahh Thanks , I just love potatoes, not much of a bread person and definitely don't have any butter or fat. I will see how the change in dose goes, see if that makes a difference.

Im hoping it will. I want to be a supermodel for May...........(Im joking) x

nanniejan profile image

Your a super person and mum, and we will be fat togeather or supermodels who cares as long as we can get our health back , no good beating ourselves up for having a muffing top or two lol ,

love Jan Xx


Quite right Jan. health comes before beauty,

Bless you xxxxxxxx

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