My latest blood test came back as free T4 slightly higher than it should, can't quite remember the exact figure until I get my printed copy of the results, but I think it was only 5 above the norm and my TSH was very low, something like 00.5 or 00.15, I know there's a 5 in there somewhere... Anyway a doctor rang me about the results, a complete stranger who doesn't know me at all, never met her her before and quite simply said lower my levo to 125mcg because that's what I was probably on when I had a 'normal' reading of TSH at 0.39 (jn fact I had slightly upped my dose myself to 137.5, when I had that 0.39 reading)
I feel perfectly fine in myself, well apart from the usual symptoms, that suggest to me that I'm not on enough levo, let alone reducing my intake! I am constipated, cold, a bit fatigued, nothing spectacular though, but certainly not endless energy, dry skin, memory of a gold fish and brain fog, you know what I mean, going into a cupboard for a plate and my plates have never been in that cupboard before, ever! And attempting a sentence, then losing the right words etc If I lower my dose, all this is just going to get worse!
I have a doctors appt. tomorrow, am I well within my rights in asking the doctor to send me to see an endo? I have never seen one, despite being hypo for at least 11/12 years diagnosed and I believe I was for a while pre diagnosed?? I'm just fed up of feeling ok'ish some days and other days quite good, and having symptoms that appear to be the opposite of being on too higher dose, but being told time and time again by doctors my tests are off the scale, please lower your levo dose!