Hi all,
Can u help understand my blood results please, Just a bit of background for you....
Late 2009 went to Docs complaining of various ailments..got blood test taken and results were borderline underactive thyroid, Doc said she wouldn't put me on meds at this point ,as once i started i was on for life.
Forward to Sept 2012 i feel a lump on my throat and was sent for an ultrasound, results for which came back as multi noduled goiter. Doc then said this was probably caused by underactive thyroid and she put me on 50mg levothyroxine and took blood tests. Meantime she arranged for me to see Endo, i was there for a total of 5 mins, wherein he asked if goiter was giving me a prob swallowing (mines apparently growing in the way, not outward). I said it wasn't , to this he just said Doc is doing all the right things checking bloods regularly etc and that eventually i would have to get my thryoid removed as it will "pack in". I didn't really know what to ask and the appointment was finished almost as soon as it started.
I've posted the results of the total of three blood tests that i have had to date , including that first one. The most recent blood test has resulted in my perscription being reduced to 25mg. I realise alot of people are on alot more that this but its just that I have felt great over the last 4 weeks, i am no longer depressed and moody, my energy levels are back and i feel "normal" (first time in a long time), however, i am a bit concerned that this reduction in perscription will set me back (the stone that i put on over few months came off after one month on the Levo).
Could anyone please help me understand the blood tests, is it good that the third test shows no TSH for example or is that bad. I see that my Free T4 seems to be now higher than the max range...is that bad? Apologies for the long post, but i just want to understand my condition. ( I am 54 year old female) thank u for taking the time to read.
1st test 18 th Oct 2012
Free T4 12.2 pmol/L (9.0 - 21.0 )
TSH 12.84 H mUlL (0.20 - 5.00)
TPO Antibodies 218.7 H iu/ml (0.0 - 34.0 )
2nd Test 27 th Dec 2012
Free T4 17.7 (9.0 - 21.0)
TSH 0.41 (0.20 - 5.00)
3rd Test 25th Feb 2013
Free T4 26.7 H (9.0 - 21.0)
oops...just noticed i've done this in blog by mistake, should i redo in "questions" sorry