Very pink palms and feet..: Does anyone have very... - Thyroid UK

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Very pink palms and feet..

Lizf1006 profile image
21 Replies

Does anyone have very pink palms , fingers and under feet as well? I've had this some time. My GP seems to think it's liver related and has sent me for the inevitable 'blood test' (I could write a book about blood tests, as, I expect can a few others on this site). I don't drink or smoke was my answer to GP's question, which I don't, only a glass of wine at special occasions.

Would appreciate your comments.


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Lizf1006 profile image
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21 Replies
greygoose profile image

Pink? Mine are flaming red! Although not in the centre of the palm, just round the edges, especially down the side opposite the thumb. And the top of my fingers.

I have, of course, mentioned this to various doctors. They just look and shrug. Not interested. One did say, oh, it looks like a rash. No it doesn't! If anything, it looks like a love bite where the blood seems to have risen to the surface in little points. Difficult to describe...

And, of course, I've googled it, but the only thing I came up with was syphilis. Pardon me! No, don't think I've got that..

My eldest son has it too, on his hands. And one of my granddaughters has it on her feet. Nobody seems in the least bit bothered so...

Do let me know if you find out what it is!


PS Could you post a photo?

merissa profile image
merissa in reply to greygoose

Hi Grey goose, not sure if this is right or I read it correctly, isnt red palms and feet to do with Graves D? just a idea x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to merissa

I have no idea, Merissa. I have Hashi's. Maybe it's something to do with the antibodies then? I just don't know. Think I'll have to do a bit more research... x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to greygoose

Well, I found this site:

It gives 28 possible causes. I don't like any of them! Nor do I think any of them sound like me... Or is that just wishful thinking? lol I don't know. Think I'll just ignore it and see if it goes away. x

merissa profile image
merissa in reply to greygoose

lol you are funny hunny. yer, I will go with just wishful thinking lol xx

Jackie profile image

Hi Liver disease does not always relate to drink, good doctors know this I have liver disease and have never drunk. The most obvious symptom is horny finger nails, often a rash too. Maybe, just one finger to start with.Make sure if you do need a referral that you see a Hepatologist, they are usually only found in large teaching hospitals.I also had a funny thing with my feet , no one knew what it was sorry long time ago, not sure, I know they were also very hot at times. Any way I later had to self diagnose severe diabetes, no one knew the connection? By then, it had become obvious to me. I would make sure by having 2 blood tests, glucose and Hb1Ac.

Best wishes,Jackie

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jackie

Jackie, you're very knowledgable on the subject of doctors - I'd never even heard of an endocrinologist when I was referred to one! Do you know if there is a specialist for breathing difficulties? I'm not talking about lung problems, asthma and such, but the mechanism of breathing. Perhaps that sounds like a daft question, I don't know, but I was wondering if there was such an animal.

Hugs, Grey

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to greygoose

Hi Greygoose, Unfortunately because so ill I do have too much experience of doctors.! You need a Respiratory physician, if good they do cover the wider issues., eg effect on breathing from the gut, heart etc. Even a physiotherapist, specialist one might help,G P would know that. I know you are very knowledgeable, so I expect you are aware that functional breathing can be low iron, B12 or Ferritin.. Can you describe the problems better,? coming from one who is dyslexic that is a good question! Some breathing problems are also the first sign of heart disease so, if you think that is possible need to be followed up.I hope that is a help, if not do get back to me.

Best wishes,


Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to greygoose

Hi Grey, a PS, it can be just low BP, or postural hypertension to check that take it first thing in bed and then standing,ie twice. If low it could just be that.


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jackie

Thank you, Jackie. I have never even heard of a Respiratory Physician! I tried a physiotherapist and a chiropractor. They both just scratched their heads and rubbed their chins but didn't come up with anything helpful. They had no idea what the problem could be and their manipulations did nothing to help. And doctors I have seen just say oh, you're not breathing very well... And leave it at that.

I am taking iron and B12 suppliments - taken iron most of my life! - but nothing changes. And my blood pressure has always been high, whether standing or lying. One endo did try to prove that my bp changed when standing from a lying position in order to explain my dizzy spells (the idiot didn't know that dizzy spells are linked to hypo...) but my bp was consitantly high so that idea fell flat! lol

So, what is the problem. Well, all my life, from being a small child, I have got out of breath very easily. I couldn't run around like the other kids for very long. Games at school was a nightmare for me. One lap round the hockey pitch - if I even got that far! - and my lungs were burning so badly I wanted to scream with the pain. Games mistresses tried to tell me that was normal and everyone felt like that, but looking round at my fellow students I rather doubted that.

When I was about 38, everything got bad, life was a terrible struggle and I spent most of it lying in a darkened room with a hanky stuffed up my nose to try and stop the stabbing pain that was shooting up my septum. I saw an allergy specialist and the result was that he found I absorbed less oxygen than normal (didn't say why) and that I had asthma. However, the usual inhailers didn't help.

Got over that period but my breathing got worse and worse to the point where people started commenting on it. And now, thirty years later, I can hardly move without being out of breath. I can't walk very far and have to stop and rest several times when climbing stairs.

I have my theories about this, of course, but I don't know if I'm right, or what to do about it. I've noticed that when I breath - or try to - I breath from my stomach, the diagphram and intercostal muscles don't seem to be working. I know that when the body starts to become short of thyroid hormone, it 'makes' choices about where the hormone that it still has should be used, and, inexsplicably, one of the first to be 'cut of' is the diagphram. I also have very, very low Growth Hormone, and one of the symptoms of that is muscle wastage. Add the two together and what do you get?

I'm so sick of people in shops saying Ooooo, you're out of breath! Have you been running? When I've only just got out of the car and crossed the pavement! I can't shout at them because I'm out of breath but I just want to smack them in the face. Idiots! lol That's not a nice feeling. So, I would like to get some answers, but I don't know where to go. I would welcome any suggestions that don't include GPs!


Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to greygoose

Hi Grey,As with any consultant do plenty of research, I always look up hospitals for names and then their CV`s on the WEB, also local private hospitals sites., cross reference. You can tell a lot that way, GP always been useless!

Postural hypertension is never treated here. Although if variable BP ,good consultants say to only take the BP drugs split and check the readings first , also common for BP to be low AM and high PM.BP High is often high sodium ( U`s and E`s ) and low BP often too low sodium, in range is perfect. Trouble is dizzy spells can be Menieres and tinnitus etc but they are definitely associated with my heart conditions, says me! Not docs!

Have you ever had your lungs X rayed a it sounds like a congenital deformity? A respiratory doc would do all that and function tests You are quite right about the diaphram, breathing exercises should help that. As for asthma, well I have re tests every year. Maybe you need different treatment etc.Have you had an ultra sound for the Thyroid? it could be enlarged, mine is with nodules ( cannot have a biopsy. Also ENT , Septum may be deformed, mine is.To go back to basics, my liver presses on abdomen,liver disease and breathing even more of a nightmare. You would know if that applied but it does sound as if you need ENT and Gastro ( gastroscopy ) investigations. A Respiratory consultant would refer you or advise you about that.

Are you sure your Vit D is Ok? Some of your description reflects this? Do you see a good endo, mine is full of advice as they have to have such a wide knowledge, unlike other consultants!

Do think if it is your heart. Some things re cardiac only show on pulse and a home monitor, Holter, 24 hour or better 7 day. Echo good but ECG not much good on its own.

I hope that gives you some idea, I would certainly start with Respiratory and Endo?

If I can help further get back to me.

Best wishes,


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jackie

Last question first: there's no such thing as a good endo round here! No, I self-treat, it was the only way to survive.

I really don't think it's my heart, I've had that checked, and no problems ever.

I've had several lung x-rays, no problem there. And as for breathing exercises, I went to drama classes, we did breathing exercises all the time, but the problem was getting worse as I was doing them!

My thyroid gland is practically inexistant, destroyed by Hashi's. I had an ultra-sound but the technician practically accused me of wasting his time because there was hardly anything there! lol

I don't think my liver is enlarged, and liver function tests were ok. And I'm taking vit D3 every day, and have been for some time.

So... I don't know. I'll see if I can find a Respiratory Physician here. Thank you for all your help and information. I'm very grateful to you.

Grey x

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to greygoose

Grey, Any large teaching hospital would have a whole department.I have Hashimotos, no swelling to start with., now bad If you self treat or what ever, make sure you have lots of blood tests, TSH T4 and Free T3.

I hope you sort things out.


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Jackie

Thank you.

Healthseeker profile image
Healthseeker in reply to greygoose

I was referred to a Respiratory Physio at King's, as my doc thought I was hyperventilating. They deal with your breathing technique and help you improve it,

Joyia profile image

Not sure if this is helpful but there are oxygen therapy centres, we have one in Swanley, Kent, there are also salt breathing centres which are said to be helpful, I believe these are rooms made of certain salts that one sits in to gain the benefits. Perhaps if you google you can learn more.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Joyia

Joyia, was this comment for me? If so, thank you.

I don't know anything about oxygen therapy centres. I have heard of the salt breathing centres but these things are for people who have problems with their lungs. I really don't think there is anything wrong with the lungs themselves - apart from the asthma - it is the mechanism that works them that doesn't seem to function.

I said above that I breath with my stomach. I should, of course, have said that I breath with my abdomen muscles. lol And I've noticed that when I walk or climb stairs, I can't move my abdomen muscles, they become stiff and rigid, and I think that's the problem. (Thinks: maybe it was all those old women telling me to 'hold my stomach in' when i was a girl? It's become second nature now, and I don't think it's doing me any good!)

Thank you for your suggestions. And a big sorry to Lizf1006! I seem to have taken over her thread. Oh, dear, I'm always doing that! It's just that reading people's responses makes me think of something and I have to ask straight away. My apologies.

Hugs, Grey

Lizf1006 profile image
Lizf1006 in reply to greygoose

No worries Grey, we're all in it together! xx

Joyia profile image

One thing leads to another Grey especially when thyroid blogging, how privileged we are though to learn from so many on this great website.

muirfoot107 profile image

Hi Liz, I know I'm very late to this discussion, but google 'living with erythromelalgia' re your red feet.

Hope this helps

helbell profile image

Hi Liz, probably four years too late to this party, but wondered if you found the red palms and soles answer. I have started getting this and will see doc. Hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis are among causes. I hope mines a wee bit too much replacement :)

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