Feeling Fat, frosty and fraught and the chicken... - Thyroid UK

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Feeling Fat, frosty and fraught and the chickens are applying for membership of Mensa.

MaryF profile image
20 Replies

I started the day very bad tempered this morning, and was soon delivered high speed cups of tea and a bucket of coffee. I can't have the coffee until I have ingested my LDN. My own rule - it has a horrible medicine from childhood taste about it.. proof that it must be doing something! I was up all night muttering and moaning to myself and trying to get some work done. Having recovered from one virus, my youngest has a very nasty chest infection going on with virus. My immune system is so over active, (this confirmed recently), that having reacted to a virus, if somebody in the house then has it, I then react again, as it changes slightly. The first indication is no sleep for me, and head to toe itching - let alone all the other yawnworthy symptoms.

Once I had been semi rejuvenated I lurched downstairs and made packed lunches at top speed, for those off to activities - and a super large one for my man, who has gone off to do a number of things.. but not before flinging articles of clothing across our bedroom at high velocity. I fail to understand how he can attack a draw stacked neatly with very clearly obvious tea shirts.. and extract the one he wants in the style of a large dog digging for a bone. They literally fly out behind him, leaving me fuming at the mountain of shirts in the middle of the room... this was then followed by the dance of the lost car keys leading into a fox trot of the lost spare car keys. Both found tied to trousers, deep inside the washing machine and laundry basket... Of course I always empty my pockets dear, do shoosh, I am very busy etc etc.

Having done some light tutting in the mirror opposite my bed. (noting my shocking resemblance to long departed distant relatives), I then remembered that new parents were arriving to drop off children, a terrible thought. I don't mind the ones I know arriving to my recently heavily bombed kitchen. If I don't hear the door, it is not unheard of for people to make their own coffee and come and find me deep in the house somewhere

. in fact the local farmers wife has been known to wake myself and my man up, having found the spare key, and shriek with laughter at the foot our bed when we are deeply asleep, at some ungodly time of day involving the dawn chorus.. Usually when she wants to borrow something, but new ones, how dreadful!. The last time I had some of those, the back door was of course open.. I am nagged about the heating.... and anything to do with keeping frost bite at bay... he on the other hand when not leaving multiple fan heaters on maximum, having heated a room and left immediately.. specializes in departing at high speed leaving the back door to blow open in order to fill the house with a sub zero biting, north easterly wind straight off the North Sea - causing me to emerge trussed up like an old nanny goat in a blanket.. having heard somebody strange wandering into the house.

Actually today, this turned out to be Mary fuss... as the parents were so pleased to drop off their offspring, that the car barely stopped and drove off again at high speed. So I can now settle down to the many things I need to achieve today to keep the status quo.. Oh dear I seem to have sidelined all of those already, and appear to be writing nonsense again. I will however be writing notes all over the house regarding rubbish, for the second time in a week we forgot again, so there will be more rubbish condensing lessons from him. I can hardly wait.

. Personally if the wind is in the right direction, which it is not yet...I shall favour a large bonfire in the woods. This will upset the chickens who much to their disgust have been grounded.. for days they have been making me think about wings being clipped.. an awful turn of phrase frequently applied to me, when wild!!! They have taken to getting out and digging up the garden....every so often I lure them back in to the pen with various treats... however the treats have trained them to let themselves back in and wait for the treat I give them once they are back in again. I went out just before dusk yesterday.. and they were literally standing on top of their coop with hands/wings on hips... as if to say.. well where is it then... However their great escape style tunnel has been found and blocked off... so a big huff has descended upon them, and noses/beaks have been turned up at my vegetable scraps this morning.

In the meanwhile my dearly beloved husband has been at fever pitch in the house with technology, the televisions must act as computers and I must learn the two different types of internet in the house. Actually I must learn not to kick half of it into the middle of next week.

It all reached a crescendo last night, and he appeared looking like something possessed - wearing one of those mining lamps on his head. Which are normally reserved these days, for people going on pot holing expeditions - or in some cases much to my alarm on one distant occasion, gynecologists! There are already five controllers for our main telly, and now an extra key board.. to add to things, my naughty youngest has downloaded a mouse app on his telephone, and can point it at anything in the house now and change things remotely. He sneaks up on us... and does naughty computers have been taken over by something dangerous stunts, from a secretly hidden behind us position. He just has the knack of being on the ball with such things. Which does have it's uses.

I went out for the first time in a while, managed to go with entire family out to town, and take in music lessons, faffing about, and meeting for a pizza with everybody. However as I stamped about in town... I kept noticing varying gaggles of sleepy teenagers all looking for each other... and then later on spotting my son, trailing in private detective manner after unsuspecting slow walking shoppers. Turned out that when my man borrowed his phone, he wiped all my son's contacts of his... so rather than be thwarted... he just tagged on to somebody's telephone internet until he could connect with most of his class on facebook to remedy where to meet. The boy will go far, and this all done when in very bad health himself.

In general life trundles on.. I am about to increase my LDN to 2.5 mg.. nice and slow, some changes.. definitely the edge off my severe fatigue some of the time, and I have lost a bit more weight..and started my exercise again. I did awake though feeling fat, frosty and fraught this morning, to be expected after virtually no sleep. I intend once I have actually done something called work today, to wake my brain up by playing the piano... distant memories of my dour old teacher come flooding back, she had a great turn of phrase.. usually along these lines.. "Mary, there really is no need to drive the piano legs through to the cellar". Actually at the time I distinctly remember that there was a need, due a relative who often listened to my lesson underneath to see if I had practiced properly, which invariably I had not!

I have high hopes that my five autoimmune conditions will be tamed a bit with this LDN, the early signs coupled with the nutri adrenal and nutri thryoid are good so far. Now that letter to Dr BDP!

Mary F x

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MaryF profile image
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20 Replies
GuardianAngel profile image

Oh Mary,

Fantastic as ever. I love the mouse app the kids have got that must be fun. I do have a naughty streak I would find that very funny. Love and best wishes to you x

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to GuardianAngel

Cheers... I just can't think where he would have got this naughty streak from.. I have been racking my brain for years now! MF x

GuardianAngel profile image

Oh I could make a suggestion but will refrain lol x

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to GuardianAngel

Yes.. Hmmm etc MF X

Your blogs are priceless Mary, absolutely love em x

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to

As is the state of my house today, and thanks MF x

TanyaL profile image

Brilliant :-) once again and as my Mum used to say, a tidy house equals a wasted life lol so don't worry and carry on enjoying yours xx

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to TanyaL

Ta I will be tossing a match in later. MaryF x

shaws profile image

Great again, Mary.

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to shaws

Ta, Mary F

AlisonG profile image

seems to be an awful lot of 'high speed' in your home...the opposite in mine, as I live alone and cannot work due to various health conditions, including hypothyroidism :(

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to AlisonG

Hello, aw.. I am sending you a big hug...I hope you have some nice visitors.. and hope you feel a bit better soon. Mary F xxx

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to AlisonG

And.. perhaps other members live near you.. I do have some quiet times, when the children are at school and not at home ill, when my man is working away.... and I can't go out myself. due to my 5 flaring things. .I encourage visitors... and you may have members on this forum or on others who would like to visit you. Visitors re charge my batteries. Mary F x

AlisonG profile image

Thanks for the reply Mary. I will to follow your example and encourage visitors, although I do sleep a lot and very tired most of the time. Best wishes, Alison x

Nanny goat in a blanket and high speed cups of tea ;-) I'm stealing those Mary, they're too good to let go.

Have you STILL not wrote that letter to Dr BDP? xxxxx

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to

Nearly finished, so much wittering involved! MF x

hymermad profile image

Yes indeed your blogs are priceless and brilliant. Thank you for making us laugh with your stories and antics including the chickens. X

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to hymermad

Cheers XX

MaryF. fHave you ever thought of writing a book? I keep chickens and you made me laugh a lot with your descriptions. I love the aeroplanes they do when I let them out to go free ranging (I have 49). My lot's treats are the Bird Food that I put out for the starving little birds in this awful weather, not for big fat greedy old girls. It's amazing how thin they can make themselves to take advantage of the little gaps in the fence to get to where the bird feeders are! Mind you the dogs not stupid either, I wondered why he kept asking to go out, thought he might have cystitis but no it was the suet pellets for the birds, little git!

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to

Yes well I due to write about my cats and the habits I have coursed etc! Mary F x

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