What do I need to ask/request my GP to do now I... - Thyroid UK

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What do I need to ask/request my GP to do now I know I am 'borderline' hypothyroid?

JoBean profile image
8 Replies

My mother and her four sisters all have Hashimotos Thyroiditis and my grandmother had myxoedema so, even though I am not (as far as I know) displaying any sympomts I thought I would get checked just to be safe! As by the time my Mother was diagnosed some 15 years ago she was nearly half dead with various health complaints and complications that were linked to the untreated and undiagnosed thyroid condition

I am trying to get pregnant and know that thyroid problems can be elevated or sped up once pregnant and can also impede getting pregnant too so I thought i would go and get tested -

I have just received my bloods back - I am yet to see the GP about it - but the reception very helpfully let me have the full details of the results being: T4 at 13.5 and TSH at 18......whatever that means!

I have done a bit of reserach into the effects and treatments but I would like to be equipped with as much knowledge as possible when I go in to see my GP as I do not want to be fobbed off with either no treatment or a cycle of drugs that may not work....I have as yet find out if my GP is up on her thryoid knowledge or not!

I am also concerned about what the implications can be for getting pregnant - my partner and I are using a donor and are doing home insemination so do not have a never ending supply!

Anyway, being very new to all this, does anyone have any tips or advice that i can arm myself with when I finally get to see my GP and begin this interesting journey......?

Many thanks :-)

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JoBean profile image
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8 Replies
shaws profile image

I am not medically qualified but a TSH at 18 means you should be on medication. I hope some others will comment on this although we really need the ranges of the blood test results as well as the actual as labs differ and it makes it easier to comment.

This is a link re pregnancy which may be helpful but some of the links within may not be accessed as it is an archived site.


I am sure others who had to cope with pregnancy whilst hypo will give advice.

JoBean profile image
JoBean in reply to shaws

Thanks for responding Shaws!

Yes, I have yet to see the actual results but those levels were what the receptionist at my GP surgery could tell me. I have a few days to wait until I go and see my GP, but knowing the battle that my mother had (albeit 15yrs plus ago) I just wanted to get straight on to it and try to educate myself somewhat.

Many thanks

PinkNinja profile image

I agree with Shaws. You are not borderline hypothyroid, you are hypothyroid and should be getting treatment. If you are trying to conceive, your TSH should be below 2. If you are on thyroid replacement then your TSH will likely need to be below 1 for you to feel well.

Borderline would be if your TSH was around the top of the reference range but often they won't treat until your TSH reaches 10, which is completely bonkers because with a TSH above the reference range you are hypothyroid! If TSH is above range but below 10 most GPs insist on repeating before beginning treatment. As your TSH is above 10 your treatment should start straight away.

I hope that helps :)

Carolyn x

JoBean profile image

Thanks Carolyn. I have yet to actually SEE these results - it was receptionist who told me the figures so I am hoping she has mad a mistake! But if not, then I will be pusshing for treatment to start as my mum has had a real rough ride with it and her health is now terrible.

I am hoping that by gathering as much info as possible I will be saving myself frustration and worry that i ma getting the 'right' treatment.

Thanks for your help :-)

Clarebear profile image

I was diagnosed with sub-clinical hypothyroidism with the same TSH and similar fT4 as you. For me it most certainly didnt feel sub-clinical (how i hate that word). Are you sure you aren't having any symptoms? It might be worth having a look on the main TUK site at the list of symptoms.

My endo was very reluctant to start me on thyroxine. Six months later and my TSH had shot up to 59.0 and I was feeling very ill. I am not saying hat this will happen to you though :D

Good luck xx

JoBean profile image
JoBean in reply to Clarebear

Thanks Clare I will keep an eye and also check sympoms list - I think I remember some form my mum but probably have tried tpo ignore them as I did not want to 'give in' to it! ;-)

Clarebear profile image

Here is a link to the list:


frecklyminx profile image


I received borderline blood result but thyroid antibodies test was ok? I need to get list of results. However, I checked my symptoms against the list and I have lot of them plus my mum and sister had thyroid. so I asked(told) doctor to treat the symptoms as a trial and see if there is any change. so she did!! am starting on low dose 25g I cannot cope with overwhelming tiredness and weight gain I am a size 8 always have been and now put on a stone in 2 months and i only eat a small amount! So I feel it pays to be assertive with GP you know your body best and the help on here is great. Good Luck!!

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