Regular diets just don't seem to work for me, before I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid 3 years ago I never had a problem managing my weight, I would gain a few pounds and with a few weeks diet and exercise I'd loose the weight no problem, This is not the case anymore, My doc says that my blood tests are normal and thyroxine of 150mg per day is correct, however hard I try to loose weight it just doesn't work, I'm a regular at the gym and have a healthy balanced diet but keep putting on the pounds, I have read about wheat free diets having a positive impact for underactive thyroid sufferers so would like to know if anyone has tried this?
Has anyone with an underactive thyroid had succ... - Thyroid UK
Has anyone with an underactive thyroid had success loosing weight on a wheat free/gluten free diet?

Even though your GP says your blood tests are normal can you get a print-out of them complete with the ranges and post again. It will enable people to comment better as labs differ in their ranges.
I give a link below about weight gain which may be helpful.
Following the principles of the paleo diet worked for me! Citing out those simple carbs does the trick :0)
Yes Claire. I went gluten free a year and a half after I was diagnosed (didn't lose weight during that time) and I lost 3kg without even trying over the next couple of months. I do go to the gym and walk every day with my dog already so I didn't increase the exercise, just less carbs I guess and hardly any alcohol mainly because it just doesn't seem to agree with me any more. I've now been GF for 8 months and eating loads and I weigh 50.5kg now when 6 months ago I weighed 55kg, so that's a 4.5kg weight loss. I no longer have a muffin middle and regularly receive compliments. I feel much better too. My TSH is kept at under 0.5 and I take 125mcg levo.
I would thoroughly recommend going gluten free as it had a great effect on me combined with the right level of levo and TSH level for me.
It's not easy to begin with and you feel a bit deprived but I consulted a nutritionist to help me so got lots of ideas about alternative lunches etc. I don't buy the ready made GF stuff as it's full of chemicals and quite disgusting most of the time. I have learned new ways of cooking, new recipes and make my own GF breads.
Best of luck. Ali
I have tried gluten free and it did make a bit of a difference but still isn't dealing with the amount I've gained over the years before diagnosis. Im now trying the Intermitten Fasting diet and it seems to be working. Best of all its important for your health, the bits you cant see and Im happy with that. Look it up.
What I have found is that if I tried to be careful of the days I wasn't fasting, I wasn't losing much but when I looked it all up, a study had shown that those eating normally on feasting days lost more. So I did that and remarkably the weight is shifting.
On that note, Im going out for a pancake lunch, knowing that I'm fasting tomorrow and I can have what I want.
Good luck with whatever you try.
I have been on a wheat free diet now for 6 - 8 weeks and I can feel the weight coming off. I also think that it could possible be helping me in converting my T4 better. It hasn't been easy (I have also been a veggie for 20+ years) as the food industry seem to hide wheat in everything and they also know how to charge in supermarkets for their "free from" ranges but I have been doing quite a bit of home cooking so I know exactly whats in my food.
Try this link from a lovely lady on here who has been helping me and although she is doing a more extreme form of "cleaning up her gut" her blogs could still be of interest to you. You will see that she got a geat response when sharing her experiences on here, with one blog having 100 comments.
It certainly makes for interesting reading.
Hope this helps
Moggie x
Thank you, That's my bedtime reading sorted! It's great to hear that's working for you, it's so soul destroying when your trying your hardest without 'cheating' and yet the weight piles on, will defo be trying the wheat free diet & hope it will do the same for me...Keep up the good work
I followed an insulin resistant diet, giving up bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, all the starchy foods, it worked for me as I lost one and a half stone and went down two dress sizes.
good morning All, i have been diagnosed with hash now for almost 3 years, by my own initiative put myself on a totally gluten free way of life - Doctors don't recognise it and to be honest aren't interested also on weightwatchers on line which has helped me enormously and have lost 6 pounds in 7 weeks so bring it on. i am having a private blood test this week for the antibodie readings just for my personal interest so will keep you posted.
have to say i feel so much better in my self - it has been 9 months total gluten free and it isn't as hard as you think
Yrs ago i lost 4 stone by doing the cambridge diet and exercise, sadly i needed and operation and put most of it back on. I did maintain a decent weight but have now developed another illness making it harder if not impossible to loose weight. I have been referred to see a doctor to get weight loss injections
I lost weight by going gluten-free. It wasn't difficult to do.