How long should I trial Armour before I give up... - Thyroid UK

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How long should I trial Armour before I give up on it? Palpitations just getting worse.

boing profile image
13 Replies

Hi, I'm 3 weeks into taking armour having switched from Levothyroxine (which I just stopped one day and started on the armour a few days later). How long should I leave it before I get my bloods tested to check my levels? I was on 100 mcg levo for a few years and now taking 1 1/2 grains armour spread throughout the day but feeling very weird. I decided to switch due to tiredness, irritability and constant palpitations which ruin my enjoyment of everything, however, since being on the armour, they have become even worse. The endo prescribed 1 grain twice a day and I haven't yet upped to that amount because I'm worried that the palpitations, ectopics, fast heart-rates etc will become even worse. Do you think this is a sign that armour isn't the right treatment for me? I have had all the cardiac tests and nothing found to be wrong so I'm really sure it's due to my thyroid but how can I stop it before I lose the will? Lying in bed last night I was just thinking that if my heart just stopped beating at least I wouldn't have to feel it anymore.

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13 Replies

You need to ask doctor who prescribed it.

I wish my heart to stop beating every day. That's how safe and optimistic i feel about medical care in UK.

I'm sure someone with actual experience will pop up soon, until then, you may want to read Clare's blogs:



Jackie profile image

Hi This is just my own opinion. Yes, I agree the best thing would be to phone, or better e mail the consultant`s secretary. However,I am reliably informed that thyroxine takes about a month to fully leave the system. Armour is at full strength in a few days. It could be that at the moment which is the problem.I cannot take thyroxine but am fine on Armour or Erfa, I have end stage heart disease, etc. etc.I would check your pulse ( HR) when feel the heart is bad ,is it even? very fast? Then do some readings when Ok. 60to 80 beats per the ideal. Also it may be the T3 content in the armour that is the problem, yo do not say why you changed meds. Erfa has slightly less T3. I am assuming that you had a FT3 test before starting armour, to make sure that you need T3, most important.I am always told by my brilliant consultants that with any drug,except things like antibiotics and cardiac, then it is best to start on a tiny dose, say half a grain every other day and take about a month to achieve the dose. Testing is usually recommended after 6 weeks, longer if OK.

I hope that gives you some ideas.


Moggie profile image

Have you tried T3 only - I ask as on Monday my GP stopped my T3 due to heart palps, but her comment when I asked "so you think its the T3 then" was "not necessarily, it could just as easily be the T4". I am right in thinking that you had your palps when on T4 only and they have got worse now that you are on armour?.

My heart palps - like your's - were just getting worse and worse until I realised that the sweeteners I was taking with my tea and coffee were agrivating the situation - do you take any sort of artificial sweetener at all (even in squash) if so stop. Keep at diary of EVERYTHING you are eating and drinking (expecially tea and coffee) and see if you can find a link. My palps used to start, on the dot, at 11 oclock every day and it wasn't until I realised that by then I had had three very stong cups of tea that I made the connection with caffine so I went caffine free yesterday and, along with stopping my T3, I had no palps for the first time in nearly a year.

If I were you I would first seek medical advise on this and if you can maybe ask to try T3 only as, like my GP said, it could be the T4 that you are not getting on with, it could be something as simple as the many fillers they put in the T4 thats doing it.

If you need to please PM me for more info and suggestions as, having just gone through exactly the same thing myself, I know how frightening and distressing this is and I may be able to help a little more. But whatever you do please dont ignore these symptoms because, like me, you know deep down this isn't right.

Best of luck and keep us updated.

Moggie x

Clarebear profile image

Just wondering how your iron/ferritin and cortisol are, as if these are low I believe that can cause palpitations?

anuska profile image
anuska in reply to Clarebear

Hi clarebear.

I have started armour two days ago along woth 100levothryroxine. i am fully funcioning and going to work but i feel tired and woozy. The anxiety has gone better specially right after i take it. how long does it take to know if it works for you. i have stiff muscles still and i was really well on citalopram but all has come back since. i am on the process of testing my cortisol with genova my vitamin B12 is 380 but i heard is not high enoguht here so i a going to supplement it. i am also going to do the vitamin D, i had test for everything else is spain and it was optimal i was put on thryroxine for antibodies. also i want it to ask you about Dr p. i know he can prescribe.

i know you have a lots of experience with armour i know you ahve a blog but i just want your advice.


Moggie profile image

Have a look at this link that tells you exactly how much T4 to T3 is in armour and the pro's and con's


Moggie x

shaws profile image

If you take 1 levothyroxine one day - it then has a half life of 7 days and takes about 6 weeks in all to leave your system. Maybe starting gradually with Armour on the first day would have been a better introduction. A blood test should have been done after 6 weeks but how you feel is a better guage.

I haven't tried Armour but a couple of other NDT's but found that Naturethroid relieved all my palps and I feel well again.

It looks like you need to reduce the Armour right back and stay like that until things calm down. Give it a few days and very very gradually introduce a tiny amount more for a few more days, if all OK just keep doing that. Don't rush it. Palpitations and Ectopic beats can result from the heart being overstimulated temporarily. If you reduce the Armour you will reduce the stimulation (maybe by taking too much too soon, for you) this will give the heart time to relax back and then you can try again very slowly. If you still get the problem you will need to discuss it again with the doctor but you might be helped temporarily by taking a Beta Blocker or something like Verapamil (Calcium Channel Blocker) to calm the heart down. No one needs to carry on with constant palps, they can be controlled. I am (was) a big sufferer.

It took me several months to feel the benefit of NDT. Unfortunately there is no quick fix. I actually felt worse before i felt better.

boing profile image

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it. The palps have been going on for 2 1/2 years, since I had my daughter. Before that I'd already been on levothyroxine for 3 years but never felt quite right again or back to health. But I really don't think the palps are due to over medication as my t3 is bottom of range, t4 mid range and tsh 4.6. Just confused and so desperate to be able to really enjoy my children.

debjs profile image

I had to build up my Armour dose very slowly over a long period due to palpitations, chest pain and other side effects. I started on quarter grain per day and increased by quarter grain every 2 weeks, sometimes needing to wait 4-6 weeks before another increase. When I started it my T4 was way below range and my TSH 17 so I think it was just a case of adjustment. As others have said perhaps you need to inroduce more slowly.

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