whats peoples views on magnesium ??: low levels... - Thyroid UK

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whats peoples views on magnesium ??

christina profile image
15 Replies

low levels simular symptoms to under active

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christina profile image
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15 Replies
shaws profile image

I take a supplement and these are two links - one on supplements and one on magnesium:-.



christina profile image

thank u , will have a look at them

Jackie profile image

Hi There is a reasonably good blood test just for Magnesium. Mine was found to be very low when I had my 2 nd cardiac arrest. it effects the Potassium which if low normally causes fatal arrests.They are both electrolytes ,so very important to be in range. I take loads of magnesium but have a weekly test to make sure it is always in range. In my experience even only the best cardiologist and top pathologist know this it is perfectly true that a lot of people do take magnesium and have been lucky! It is safe to take it in food, which is in a lot of food. Also not many supplements actually work, I have to have masses on a script, it is mostly use for heart and Kidney( transplants )I was given various Magnesium supplements ( a drip in Hospital is best) until my Nephrologist put me on a huge dose of magnesium oxide, super strength. none of the others worked ( blood test showed) . In spite of having a lot of unpleasantness last time I gave this fairly unknown info ,I had very unpleasant postings. However, I firmly believe that the more info one has ,the easier to decide for oneself. If I had known this and more importantly soe of my top doctors, I would have avoided 4 near death cardiac arrest and be a lot better than I am now!

Best wishes.


adzie69 profile image
adzie69 in reply to Jackie

I find muscle 'twitches' are a common symptom! I usually take a BIOCARE mag supp which used to do the job but not so much anymore!! x

Hashoo profile image
Hashoo in reply to Jackie

Hi, I use epsom salts in bath water, apparently it's easier absorbed?...have you tried? does it work? I'd be interested in your opinion as my boyfriend suffers from migraines and I read on the internet that there are test studies which show that using suppliments can help ease them (I get him to soak in 2 cup fulls in a full bath 3 times a week if I can for at least half an hour. I know this hasn't got anything to do with Thyroid problems (that I know of) but if you have this problem and have done a lot of research I honestly would appreciate tapping into some of it :) ...FYI I also partake of the bath soaking but not as frequently....I'm not sure if my magnesium is low or not but I'm hoping to get a blood test done to check it out privately.

Thanks in advance for your help :)

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to Hashoo

Hi Until my script was sorted, it has to be ordered, I drank Epsom salts as told that was the only thing which worked. it did not help, according to my eweekly tests. However, my Magneium was under it`s very tiny range. My very good pharmacist recommended it as the only Magnesium, apart from food that was absorbed s an alternative. but then my nephrologist who is the senior transplant speicalist at a top hospital, said that magnesium oxide was the only thing absorbed. Magnesium does have nasty side effects on the digestion. Some doctors say that too much is thrown out of the body. it is not in my case! As such a tiny range and I have to take a lot to keep in range, I can tell quite well. Also if I do not it would and does show in my weekly magnesium test. If GP will not do a test ,it is available on line.

I hope that helps some one!


Hashoo profile image
Hashoo in reply to Jackie

Thanks Jackie, that's fab!...I'll have a look into magnesium oxide once we get the test done and if the results come back with him having low magnesium...he get's migraines all the time...at the moment he's had one which has lasted just over 2 weeks so you can see I'm desperate for anything that may help!...especially as he helps me through my bad patches with my thyroid.

Thanks again :)

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to Hashoo

Hi Magnesium ,as other electrolytes, is just so important but a problem because it has such a low range. In the mean time, do look at foods containing it, there are quite a lot.On the subject of migraines, mine have cleared up, one of the best things about old age! however, my daughter and granddaughter have severe ones. Grand daughter had Calcium channel blockers for that and Reynaulds from GOSH. horrible side effects in most people., they only help. Daughter takes Feverfew daily, finds she has a lot less. Migraines are horrible, I know.

Best wishes.


Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Jackie

Jackie, perhaps you could have your offspring try this. When they feel a migraine coming on, dip your arms up to the elbows in the warmest (hot) water you can stand for a few minutes. It is supposed to divert the blood away from your head and possibly stop the migraine.

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to Heloise

Heloise, How interesting, i have never heard this but it does make sense. I will certainly tell them My granddaughter has to keep going home from school, which i then means she has a lot of catching up to do, she is at a very academic school. Thank you.


It has been a family "trait" that everyone suffers terrible muscle cramping, and I did from early teenage until a few years ago when I discovered Magnesium supplementation! At times the cramping was SEVERE, and very frequent, and during bad spells I would even dread going to bed fearing the onset of cramps lasting 20 minutes at a time. Now it's a very rare occurrence for me to cramp at all.

It seems that Mg deficiency is far more common than anyone ever thought, and even if not deficient, having OPTIMAL levels might be a good idea.

I have used oral supplements before, and also strong Epsom salts baths, but for convenience now I use a concentrated solution of Magnesium Chloride about once (sometimes twice) a week on the skin of the sides of my abdomen. (It is sold as "Magnesium Oil" but I just buy MgCl from a chemicals supplier, and dissolve it in hot water, then spay it on and rub it in - it's FAR cheaper!)

Some suggest using it much more often, but I would suggest having blood tests if you think you need very high levels of supplements though, it is possible to overdo it. I have read advice that suggests B vitamin supplementation at the same time is a good idea too, so I would suggest researching it further too. here is a starter.... umm.edu/altmed/articles/mag...

Dr Myhill has some useful advice: drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Magnesi...

Jackie profile image

Christina, Sorry I was not very clear. If Magnesium low,it can cause Potassium to be too low and cause cardiac arrests. If Potassium ( which is effected by magnesium is too high, ( ie above range) it can cause acute kidney failure.I hope that is clearer now.


hairyfairy profile image

I tried magnesium supplements, & they made no difference.

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to hairyfairy

Yes , I was told, and also found that I needed the magnesium oxide.


mourneadventurer profile image

Excellent Ted thanks for these links - explains a lot,

I had a Vitamin D3 level at 62 (within NHS range) and I'm now supplementing 6000 i.u to bring it up to the "functional range" recommended by my functional nutritionist of between 100 and 120. I'll retest again soon.

What I've noticed is that other symptoms had reappeared and Magnesium is my go to mineral to resolve them. I'm also taking coconut water which seems to help.

In Health


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