Since my appendix burst 2 years ago. Ive been having problems. Back then I was in hospital for 2 weeks,I got collections in my stomach,never drained just treated with antibiotics. I was realeased and everytime I pooed it was like pooing razorblades. So was readmitted. More antibiotics and few fevers later I was released 3 stones lighter.
Since then I have not been great. 1st my white blood cells and platelets were low,but they are getting back normalish now. My problem is I can go a few weeks,sometimes months feeling ok then BOOM. One little infection or illness seems to trigger it all off. My eyes sink in my head,bags under my eyes,fatigued beyond belief. I look like Im dying. Its a constant battle. Ive had numerous tests and all I hear is chrinic fatigue. I may have that but I dont think it is all. I have constant sores up my nose and quite bloody occasionally. I have sores on the soles of my feet. I get depressed and aggitated. I get really bad stomach cramps and when needing to poo sometimes I can hardly walk or start due to pain. I had a colonoscopy last year with sedation and I was pulling myself off the bed due to pain. It was like a hotrod was being pushed through me and tearing me open. I cant move on with my life until I have found out the cause of all this. My TSH is 4.6 but my doctor wont send me anywhere else until it reaches 10.
Ive been thinking autoimmune
Maybe Diabetes
Im just clueless as are my doctors who make me feel like a hinderence. Any ideas or people going through similar please let me know. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you x