There is no mention of it on the information leaflet that came with the liothyronine but I read on this site that levo is affected by it. I had a TT in October and take 20mcg of T3 4 times a day so would have to give up my numerous teas and coffees
Does calcium affect absorption of liothyronine? - Thyroid UK
Does calcium affect absorption of liothyronine?

Hi burges, I have no definate information on this but I have been told that T3 doesn't bind. I haven't been able to find any hard and fast info on this either but I trust the person that told me this. If nobody else has any info then I guess the only way to find out is by trail and error. Or you could take your T3 sublingually...

I suggest that you could contact the manufacturer for guidance - and, if you do, please post back.
I take calcium supplements as I have hypoparathyroidism following thyroidectomy. The information leaflet in the calcium says do not take at the same time as thyroxine, ideally leave 4 hours between. I just took this to mean any type of replacement (I am on Armour).
I take Ad-Cal (calcium and vitD) and the leaflet clearly staes 'do not take within 4 hours of levothyroxine' as this will prevent the absorbtion of the thyroxine. Also many cups of tea and/or coffee have an adverse effect on your condition. If in doubt it is a good idea to talk to a pharmacist. They usually have more time than GPs and are very willing to help. Good luck. x