I have only be on Levothyroxine for short period of time but I already know that I am not able to take it.
It causes such strong stomach upset that despite trying hard I am not able to endure it.
The only other alternative is Armour thyroid ( or other desiccated thyroid hormone). My GP as many others wont prescribe it and I am looking for a doctor who does it.
I wonder if dr S does prescribe Armour ?. I guess if he prescribes it is a private prescription so it probably costs quite a lot of money?
I found few places online that sell it but the charges are not low so I do not know what to do...
I am losing my hope. I am giving up slowly. My health rapidly decreases.
I am booked for dr P, and despite the fact that he is a wonderful person, he is not medical doctor any more so he wont give me prescription either.
I do not know any more which doctor is better Dr P or Dr S...
I am so desperate that I think about the worse...