My Endo has prescribed Eltroxin - as opposed to Levo and I have been taking it for approximately 6 months. I also have Gloaucoma and had a check up in September where the Consultant was concerned at how much the pressure had risen and the condition worsened. I had another appointment yesterday and have been prescribed a further drug and given an appointment for 6 weeks time. Things such as 'we can cope with only 1 eye you know' didn't help me much ...however the guy then asked if I have high blood pressure. I don't, but have checked Eltroxin and am concerend that it may be this drug which is impacting on the Glaucoma (Internet says it can cause high blood pressure) Anyone know anything about this? Am I on the right track or clutching at straws? Any help would be appreciated. I'll happily return to Levo if need be, but would like some confirmation before trying to get a GP appointment. Thanks
Liz x