I had a partial thyroidectomy done 20 years ago for an overactive thyroid My hormone levels have stayed within the normal range all these years but after a recent blood test my doctor advised that the levels were a bit on the low side and prescribed 25mg of Eltroxin daily. I don't feel any different. Prior to taking this medicine I was suffering with terrible hot flushes which were accompanied with sweating, palpitations, nausea all over tingling. These events occurred at least 6 times a day often waking me up at night. I also suffered severe hair loss, brittle nails and moderate weight gain. Mood swings were also present. I was hoping that these symptoms would disappear when I started on the Eltroxin but after six weeks I'm afraid nothing has changed.I still have all the symptoms and am now wondering if menopause is the cause, which was my original belief. The sweating etc symptoms presented 2 or 3 years after the thyroidectomy. The hair loss and nail splitting has been going on for about 2 years. Anyone with a similar story or advice?
Hypothyroid or Menopause: I had a partial... - Thyroid UK
Hypothyroid or Menopause

25 mcg is still quite low. Are you meant to be slowly increasing? It would be good to make an appointment for a blood test and see how things are moving. My feeling is it is not menopause but definitely thyroid meds too low. Most people with only half a thyroid are probably on much more! Hope you feel better soon. PS. It might also be good to ask your doc to check your iron, B12, folate, Vit D and ferritin. You may be low in some of these. It is quite prevalent in thyroid patients.
Thank you Hennerton. My GP told me to have another blood test three months after I started on the Eltroxin. I shall try to get my last results and post them. Would checking for iron be part of a routine thyroid blood test? I have also started on a supplement mainly Brewers Yeast 250mg +Casein Powder 150 mg+Niacin 150mg including an assortment of vitamins and minerals.These were recommended by the Pharmacist for hair loss.. I have been taking these for less than a month so don't expect any improvement yet. I also take calcium with Vit D as I have osteoporosis. I have been taking these for a couple of years now. I don't understand why during the twenty years since I had the partial thyroidectomy all blood test results came back normal. Is it possible they were not doing the correct tests? Regards
Could it be that the part remaining of your thyroid is not producing as much Thyroxine? Age etc? Also are you taking Eltroxin close to your calcium tablet? It should be at least an hour or more away as calcium inhibits absorption of Eltroxin. Likewise the tannin in tea. For years I was taking mine with a cup of tea! My doc did not mention how to take it. Hope this helps.
Hi, the GP can do a simple test to see if you are going through the menopause, it would put your mind at rest knowing if it was that or not.
Is this a blood test? I didn't know that my GP could test for menopause! Thanks for that.. At 65 I should be post menopausal but I have these hot flushes with accompanying sweating, nausea and tingling (all symptoms of menopause) since I was in my mid forties. I have never associated these symptoms with my thyroid as blood tests were reportedly in the normal range.
Most people who start on thyroid meds get retested every 6 weeks or so and meds raised until the patient feels better. 3 months is far too long.
Jo xx
A FSH test can identify if you have gone through the menopause, but yes I guess at 65 you already know the answer.