Hi All
I had a series of blood tests done recently to coincide with my switching from Armour to T4 and T3 prescription - basciallly I wanted to base line where I was because I want to start the CT3M process, particularly to hekp with hair loss/adrenal symptoms.
One thing I noticed in my test results was a low platelet count (result was 147 and the range was 150-450 so I was just under). Doctor didnt comment on this so I guess it is because it is just below normal.
I googled results (always worrying I know!!) and it suggested a link between low platelet and bruising. I do bruise very easily and quite markedly. It also suggested link with feeling tired and hair loss - both of which I have had since I was first diagnosed with hypo thyroid - so is that hypo or low platelet causing that??
Low platelet was also linked with low B12 and hair loss. It is the hair loss that I am most concerned about.
However my B12 result was 42T and serum vit b12 514 (range 187-883) so that appears to be in range.
Am I missing something here - or is there a link? Should I aim to have a higher B12 result and take supplements?
Any help appreciated ,thankyou.