I just got my test results back from last Friday through NHS.
There's no test results for T3 unfortunately, as it's not included.
I was on 100mcg T4 and 20mcg T3.
Test was done at 8.10am and fasted. And I didn't take T4 24 hours before and I took last dose of 5mcg T3 12 hours before.
I was very exhausted on the morning of the blood test due to not taking 24 hours before. I nearly wanted to take a cab to the clinic instead of taking a bus and walking. I had to get a 2 hour nap after the test and breakfast.
Previously I figured out my conversion from T4 to T3 was low hence I decided to get T3.
As such, I was very surprised at my TSH results. I'm due for a call with the GP later this afternoon. He doesn't know yet I'm taking T3.
14 March 2025
Se thyroid peroxidase Ab conc
134 KIU/L [Below 34]
Plasma TSH level
<0.01 mu/L [0.27-4.2] (-6.6%)
Serum free T4 level
15.1 [12.0-22.0] (31%)
I'm expecting some kind of discussion but wanted to get some advice hopefully beforehand.
On Friday morning, aside from fatigue, I noticed my wrist temperature went down to minus from the baseline. From my understanding, increase in progesterone levels should result in positive baseline increase for wrist temperature. I read up alot about pregnancy and thyroid dosage increase and decided to increase my dosage by 25mcg since Friday night (after blood test in the morning).
I woke up feeling very energized on Saturday morning. I was even up at 6.30am, feeling relaxed and was out and about the entire day. I even mustered some energy to do housework.
Since then, I've been feeling more energized and still normal despite the increase in T4. My wrist temperature every morning is on the positive side from baseline so I'm still feeling good.
I'm experiencing occasional cramps in the belly. But overall, I'm still feeling fine, aside from occasional fatigue (needing a nap) after walking about too much or after a long day.
Unfortunately I don't have T3 results.
The TSH results turned out much lower than I expected.
I was wondering if the GP would ask me to lower my FT3 dosage due to my TSH levels?
I mean the FT4 levels is too low, so maybe not? I wouldn't increase my T4 dosage as I've just increased by 25mcg myself.
But I was slightly concerned if the TSH level should be something I should worry about?
Thank you!