Last summer my thryoid tests were off and the doctor lowered my levothyroxine dose by a little bit. Next tests were normal. Just this week I have had 3 really heavy nosebleeds which involved an ambulance to the hospital because the blood was simply flowing out of nose and mouth and into eustacion tubes blocking my hearing. My ears are still blocked and the Dr. could see blood behind the eardrums. Yesterday's labs show a high TSH and low T3 and T4. I have an appointment with an ENT next Wed. but am still researching on my own. I am finding that there may be a connection between the thyroid levels and the nasal passages and nose bleeds. Anyone else have a similar experience and find any solutions? I am hoping that an adjustment to the levothyr. med. amount will be helpful. I feel fine otherwise, no other symptoms. Thank you!
serious nose bleeds: Last summer my thryoid tests... - Thyroid UK
serious nose bleeds

hi my daughter in her 20s has borderline thyroid results that go up and down (not yet diagnosed, GP is on watch and wait). She gets regular nosebleeds, not as heavy as yours, I’d never connected the two. I had them when I was younger. Daughters always seem to be just before her period.
Could you share your FT3, FT4 and TSH levels with ranges?
What is the lower dose you have been taking?
As a child I had very heavy nosebleeds - not as bad as yours, but I would often wake in the morning with a very bloody pillow! Eventually my nose was cauterised, which solved the problem until I got pregnant at 24. I go through periods of nosebleeds, then nothing for a while. I have never thought to connect them to my underactive thyroid, which was probably not functioning correctly since childhood - I stopped growing at the age of 12, for instance, and always had very irregular periods. Didn't find out about the thyroid until I was 27.
Interesting read. I too suffered very bad nose bleeds, particularly as a child. However, I always had an iron issue that was not addressed. I have to keep on top of taking iron, otherwise the nose bleeds come back again, but not as excessive as yours.
Dry dry dry (friable) tissues in your nose and throat area (caused by hypo symptoms) could easily bring about this situation.
Interesting, I've always had nosebleed issues (hypo + low iron). They were also worse / more common while on period. Had a bleed yesterday! Not as bad as yours though, hope you can rest. 😞
I've had nosebleeds since I was a kid (with Hashimoto's and low iron.) It's always from the left nostril and I stop them with a sprayable antihistamine applied onto a rolled up cotton ball shoved up my nostril. When I take too much Ibuprofen (800+ mgs), I will bleed for 30+ minutes, but not the levels that you are talking about. Your ENT should be able to get to the bottom of it. (I've had my nose cauterized once. The ENT says that my capillaries are too close to the surface of the interior of my nose.) My son has inherited this, unfortunately. (Otherwise, he's very healthy.) Good luck. It sounds very scary to have volumes of blood coming from your nose. I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday.🤞
I have nothing useful to add, but I was in hospital 3 times in November for very heavy nose bleeds from an artery in the back of the sinuses inside my head. No amount of "pinch your nose at the top" would stop them. The first one was horrendous. Blood everywhere, out of my nose, my mouth and told to get ourselves to A&E as no ambulances for 2 hours. The second was horrible and I bled out of a tear duct into my eye!!
I'm waiting and waiting for a small day surgery to clip off the offending artery. I have had cauterisation in the past and 2 small vessel was done while I was in hospital just in case. However I am still getting regular spots of blood on tissue when trying to clean my nose with saline solution. No way would I dare blow it. And I had another bleed recently that was from the front of my nose, which I could stop thank goodness!
Awful awful experience. But I never associated it with hypothyroidism. I do have very dry skin in places. I wonder if there's a link for me too.
I'm not aware of any research to show causation but I had a similar experience, just not as severe and possibly exacerbated by a karate injury. Now I am on a good dose for me, I only have a a couple of nose bleeds per year and they are stopped by copious use of tissue paper sticking out of my nostril.
And as Connyankee said, from my left nostril!!
BUT, the left side of my nasal bone is loose from my injury. grr!!