My mom has several autoimmune issues. She is almost 70. Her primary runs a yearly thyroid panel on her that includes TSH t4 and t3. Never the antibodies test. She has had several health issues lately,mainly afib, but also fatigue, lack of motivation,major brain fog. I requested that the doc check her antibodies and thyroid. He did, her antibodies were incredibly high . I can't remember the range exactly...maybe 0.0-0.9, but her results were 20. Her thyroid panel was all in range. Last years test should her TSH being just out of range on the high side.Is there anything else that could cause the high antibodies? They did a platelet test as well and it shows some things a bit off, most likely do to an infection..she does seem to have the crud. Thanks!
High antibodies but otherwise normal? - Thyroid UK
High antibodies but otherwise normal?

A high TSH - even if in range - shows that it is statistically likely that one’s thyroid is failing. The abnormal antibodies would confirm the reason why.
Which specific antibodies were tested.
If either TPOab or TGab then with a high tsh your mom has a thyroid disorder with an autoimmune cause.
Her thyroid panel was all in range. Last years test should her TSH being just out of range on the high side.
As you’ve been managing your own thyroid, I’m sure you know that in range does not equate to “nothing to see here.”
Please share your mom’s exact test results with ranges.
Would be interesting to see the history of her tsh, ft4 and ft3. Likely has been failing for a while.
Do you have vitamin D, folate, b12 and ferritin (with CRP-hs) for her?
You can probably get a good idea of her diagnosis and also what treatment might be a good start by looking at her blood tests against her symptoms.
That won’t solve the problem of how to get what you need from your doctor and the healthcare system.
But that’s another story all together. One step at a time.
Mom says that the doc told her TSH "would go down" when she was out of range previous years. I just went back and looked at her labs, and it has been high for several years. Here are her results from last week and from previous years: I only see Ferritin tested. She is not on any supplements. She was on D3 but was told to stop because levels were high. She does take several other medications for other issues. Thanks so much for the feedback.
Thyroid Panel With TSH RECENT
F TSH 3.360 0.450-4.500 (uIU/mL) MB
F Thyroxine (T4) 7.1 4.5-12.0 (ug/dL) MB
F T3 Uptake 33 24-39 (%) MB
F Free Thyroxine Index 2.3 1.2-4.9 MB
F Ferritin 86 15-150 (ng/mL) MB
F Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab 86 H 0-34 (IU/mL) MB
F Thyroglobulin Antibody 20.9 H 0.0-0.9 (IU/mL) MB
Thyroid Panel With TSH From 2023
F TSH 4.990 H 0.450-4.500 (uIU/mL) MB
F Thyroxine (T4) 5.2 4.5-12.0 (ug/dL) MB
F T3 Uptake 28 24-39 (%) MB
F Free Thyroxine Index 1.5 1.2-4.9 MB
Thyroid Panel With TSH From 2022
F TSH 4.990 H 0.450-4.500 (uIU/mL) MB
F Thyroxine (T4) 5.2 4.5-12.0 (ug/dL) MB
F T3 Uptake 28 24-39 (%) MB
F Free Thyroxine Index 1.5 1.2-4.9 MB
She has Hashimotos -autoimmune underactive thyroid.
Did the doctor tell you that?
In fact, you didn’t mention above what the doctor has said at all.
What have they said?
They haven't said anything at all yet. I received these labs through her patient portal. I wanted to get some feedback before calling them. I've learned its best to get my ducks in a row before talking to them. Thank you for verifying this.
You might want more ducks in a row…
Is she Medicare and what’s the relationship with the doctor?
It’s clear they have no idea about thyroid at all:
* you might see what they offer as far as diagnosis … ie, one would hope they would immediately tell you she has Hashimotos. If they don’t, that would be a huge tell.
* But also - one of the other tells here in the US is when a doctor doesn’t even know what tests to order. Any doctor that orders t3 uptake is already shown to have no clue. It’s standard in US thyroid tests, but you can Google it yourself and see that it’s completely useless and outdated.
* Me personally I email my doctor the complete list of blood tests I need. For one doctor, I gave the list - they ordered the wrong tests (ie, included t3 uptake instead of ft3) when I got the results, I said you did the wrong tests. They pointed to the result and my email and said - no, we did t3 like you asked….
They literally had no idea FT3 was different from T3 uptake. Same may happen with FT4 and total t4.
The level of being uninformed is staggering it’s a wonder anyone gets well.
Also, I did call my insurance before and confirm there was no frequency cap (on blood tests), to ensure it would be covered.
A compete picture of your thyroid health comes from these tests:
1) TSH
2) Free T3
3) Free T4
Plus these vitamins
4) ferritin with CRP-hs
5) folate
6) B12
7)Vit D3
**** For future reference - Consistently test all at the same time, around 9 am is best if you can. Fasting before. No biotin for 3-5 days before. Depending on supplements (you can check with the forum) some supplements you can stop 1-5 days before. If she’s ever put on Levo, make sure last dose of Levo 24 hours before. Always wait a full 6-8 weeks after a dose change on a stable dose ****
You really should have no issues getting a diagnosis or treatment.
You may have to dance around the “in range=“normal” barrier - but with high antibodies you should be fine.
Also - her low FT4… she must feel absolutely horrible and I’ll try not to get mad at the unnecessary suffering she’s gone through at the hands of a broken medical establishment.
Depending on your doctor - your biggest challenge may be navigating his/her ego.
What do you think?
I think you're absolutely right. He is incredibly nice and patient, but I feel like he just doesn't know what he is doing. I know just enough to somewhat advocate for her and myself, all learned here! My next step is to ask for a referral to the clinic that treats my Hashimotos. I've had my own problems with them, but at least they seem to know a little more than the general practitioners. Thanks so much for the support. <3

Essential to test her vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin
What vitamin supplements is she taking
The doc tested Ferritin recently, but I don't see any results for D or folate. She has taken D before but was told to stop because it was getting to high. I posted her most recent and a rew previous lab results in response to FallinginReverse. Thanks so much for the feedback.
Edited to say that she isn't on any supplements but takes many prescribed meds for other health issues.