I was diagnosed last Oct with Graves, currently on 7.5mg Carbimazole, previously posted initial blood test results. Beginning of Dec eyelids started to swell, itchy and uncomfortable too. Don’t seem to be getting worse, but also not getting any better! Anyone else experienced this issue or have any advice please? Thank you.
swollen eyelids / Grave’s disease: I was... - Thyroid UK
swollen eyelids / Grave’s disease

I shall tag pennyannie

It is worth seeing an opthalmologist to check if you have mild Thyroid Eye Disease. If TED is suspected, I recommend you take a Selenium supplement, 200ug daily, as this has showed to help in mild/ moderate TED when taken in the first 6 months. Many take a maintenance dose of 100ug daily when the active phase of the condition has passed.
If your eyes are dry, preservative free lubricating eye drops are important, such as HycoSan or Hyloforte. If you experience light sensitivity wear sunglasses (even indoors if needed). If you have any eye pain, my TED ophthalmologist said to take ibuprofen (with food to protect your stomach). Also worth doing is using 2 pillows at night, to elevate your head. If your eyes continue to itch, try an antihistamine alongside the eye drops. Above all, please don’t overdo it on Google images, as they show ‘worst case’ scenarios.
Thank you so much Buddy195 for your reply, will get Selenium. Seeing eye specialist mid Feb.. Really appreciate this site and advice
It’s definitely worth seeing a TED specialist ophthalmologist. I saw quite a few before finding one knowledgeable in thyroid/ TED. The charity TEDct are amazing- worth reaching out to for a free info pack. They also helped me locate a TED specialist ophthalmologist in my area.
I also recommend you take ongoing photos of your eyes (and keep in ‘hidden’ on your phone!) as these are useful to show the opthalmologist and track progress.
Keep posting and asking questions- we are here to help and support 🦋
Thank you, I’m struggling to find experts who are able to look at the whole picture, there are so many different aspects to this complicated issue. I’ll definitely look into a TED specialist.
Good morning :
Yes - I think I shared the TED website details with you previously - in your first post :
Just press your Profile Icon that sits first on the task bar alongside My Hub-Chat-Post-Alert-Menu options - if on a laptop probably top right on this page - and there you'll find your first post and all your replies.
It is difficult as these symptoms somewhat compromise one reading around - but TED will be able to cut through some of the work for you and signpost you to your nearest specialist eye clinic.
Preservative Free eye drops and ointments are essential :
I made a pad of a clean flannel soaked and rung out of warm water to lay over my eyes and I lay down eyes closed and gentle massaged the pad over and around my eyes trying to ease and release the blocked tiny tear ducts around my eyelashes.
Boy, can I relate to that statement! My endocrinologist ONLY medicates me. All other symptoms go to any number of specialists. My cardiologist won’t really talk to me about how my meds impact my heart. My endocrinologist won’t discuss my A Fib and failing heart valve. My ophthalmologist treats my TED but won’t talk about any aspect of my thyroid health. I feel like I need a central quarterback to manage the whole thing! I have become like so many here, working with online support groups and Chat GPT looking for how to solve the puzzle of symptoms and the cross over.