Does anyone have a swollen face? Is there any way of getting the swelling to go down? My doctors response to it was "that's just you" My face across my nose and the top of my cheeks has been puffy for at least a year. Any suggestions what I can do to alleviate it would be most welcome.
Swollen face or feet: Does anyone have a swollen... - Thyroid UK
Swollen face or feet

My face puffed up doc increased my dose it went down before that put on 2 stone now lost weight perhaps you need a increase.
I have swollen feet and ankles.
Facial swelling across eyes bridge of nose so I looked like a toad, was, in me, indication of hypothyroidism needing treatment then once diagnosed, needed more medication. Hope your doctor is not like one in my practice who (before diagnosis by another (nice) GP) said dismissively "just effects of aging, you vain, silly woman" !!!
Your facial swelling is most likely to be a consequence of undertreatment, as fletch27 indicated.
Would you like to share your blood test results with ranges, and dosage?
I cant believe its nearly a year ago I posted this. Sorry I never did get back to you with my levels....
As it stands they are TSH - 1.36 which was back in March this year. The range my doctors say it should be within is 0.35 - 4.5 so as far as they are concerned I am fine. I currently take 75mg Levo, and 75mg Aspirin, 10mg Lisinopril, 2.5 Bisoprolol and 10mg Atrovastatin.
My face if anything is worse and to top that I have been having 'dizzy' spells which seem to happen if i move my head to quickly. I am off to the Docs next week so if you have any advice I would greatly appreciate it. While there are times when I just go about my day there are times when I get really frustrated that the Docs seem almost to dismiss what you say even tho you dont feel well.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to me
It could of course be your situation is something else, but 'chipmunk cheeks' seem to be a fairly standard consequence of being hypo - that and maybe a slightly yellow skin tinge if you're very hypo.
I recently hardly reconised myself in an old photo taken back in the 90s when i was hypo. (but couldn't get diagnosed) I'm no picture post card these days either, but there's a definite difference in colour and facial shape.
Puffy ankles etc (and a yellowish skin tinge) it seems can both be the result of metabolic processes (liver, circulation etc) slowing as a result of the hypothyroidism too. There are other potentially quite serious conditions which can lead to these too, so best not ignored.....
Swelling only went after I was prescribed t3, even though my tsh was below 1 on levo alone for a considerable time (in other words I was not technically being undertreated on levo). A month after starting t3 I fit into my clothes better, belly is reduced and you can see I have cheekbones.
Hi Kate.
Not to put the iend up anybody because these are only possibilities - but a yellowish skin tinge it seems can emerge if a person is badly hypo - caused by a slowing of liver function. Fatty liver seems to get mentioned on occasion too. I certainly had both when hypo. The liver was diagnosed, but never connected with my repearted raising of the issue of possible hypothyroidism.
In practice I was repeatedly told my thyroid was 'normal' based on the unfortunately typical medical dependence on the stock blood tests while igoring the possibility of conversion issues.
Fluid build up can arise as a result of cardiac or kidney issues among others I guess, but again seems to be a possibility when hypo.
Others may have better information....
sorry - typo - meant 'not to put the wind up...'
I do have an arrthymia which is being looked into so perhaps it is connected to that but before I was diagnosed Hypo three years ago both of my ankles where swollen and after starting Levo one of them went down and when I poointed it out to my Doc he said 'Lots of women would kill for ankles like yours!' personally I cant see why anyone would want one slim ankle and one puffed up
Also when I said about my face his reponse was 'Thats just you'! I was so stunned I couldnt reply but have never been back to see him since but that is probably what he wanted