Can anyone help interpret these results please? I had a hysterectomy in 2018 & haven't taken anything until very recently....started hrt gel about 2 months ago but not very consistent with taking. Gp wants me to keep going with it, but doctors comments on my tests from blue horizon was estrogen high....
Hormone tests & HRT...: Can anyone help interpret... - Thyroid UK
Hormone tests & HRT...

Personally I like my oestradiol around 300 to alleviate symptoms, some say top end 500 others 800 but needs to be viewed alongside progesterone levels and testosterone
I think they suggest above 200pmol/L for best bone protection
Previously they used to say no need for progesterone after a hysterectomy but opinions have changed as it helps to balance out estrogen dominance regardless and it still helps with mood and sleep
From these results I'd flag up the low GFR, how are your thyroid levels?
These are my thyroid levels....
So these are on the low side though your TSH isn't raised suggesting a possible feedback loop issue if your pituitary isn't signalling the need for more hormone production.
Low autoimmune antibodies suggests no current attack
How are your vits and mins looking?
I've been supplementing b12 & folate
Just reading your other post, so B12 and folate ok, Vit D dire! Aiming for 125nmol/L
Do you take magnesium? This helps with Vit D uptake
This will tell you what you need to take to get levels up...
Do you have a CRP result?
Crp & magnesium etc..
So CRP low suggests ferritin level is genuine (often rises after menopause) and your iron levels are ok along with your cholesterol levels
So would the results of the hormone tests suggest I'm post menopausal? Only I'm not sure, had a hysterectomy & on my doctors records it says I had my ovaries removed...but the hospital says I didn't 🤔....I'm puzzled as obviously I can only take oestrogen if I have had my ovaries removed...if not then I could take progesterone etc?
Yes, you are post menopausal... how hilarious... NOT! That they can't agree on what they did to you 😕
There is nothing to stop you using all three sex hormones it's just that your GP will likely refuse the progesterone if you don't have a womb... which is the bit they do seem to agree you don't have, as they see it's only purpose is to protect the lining of the uterus... but it may help with mood and sleep
Do you have any thyroid levels from 2013 when you were first diagnosed?
Yes this is it...only in last few months did I ever ask for a print out so never knew any results before
Handy... Can you pin point a time when you felt well and see any corresponding levels? It's good that you have fT4 levels to look back on at least as well as TSH
I honestly can't remember....I had my twins by emergency C-section on New Year's Day 2012 so first two years pretty much a blur lol. My doctor is putting all my symptoms down to the menopause...but I have grade 2 lumbarspinal stenosis, cervical stenosis, arthritis in my knee & my hip is going now....just feel like since 50 I'm steadily falling apart 😑...might look to source some T3 privately?
The only reason I don't have anymore thyroid results from back then was because my very nice doctor immigrated to New Zealand so never found another good one again....he was the one that sent me to the hospital with the large fibroid that I had removed & hysterectomy for that (17.5 cm) the fibroid was. I looked about 6 months pregnant!
Only ever tsh result I ever had...until this year.
17 Oct 2012
Shows TSH was 7.7 (0.25-5.0)
Result marked as abnormal
You should have had retest 2-3 months later
Assuming TSH still over 5 should have been started on Levo then
So doctor started me on levothyroxine 50mg & I stayed on that for 3 years ....only one other tsh test in May 2013 & that was 4. Something will check...I've added it onto here I think. I stopped taking levo as felt well & didn't think I needed it wrong I was... .
It all gets a bit bleary after more tests done for thyroid function until this year when I started to feel very unwell. Even early 2022/2023 I was back to the doctors with high blood pressure & lots of other symptoms & still not tested. I trusted my doctor back then (he unfortunately emmigrated to New Zealand just as covid hit & testing pretty much stopped I think. I've got what I think is vitiligo on my back & some on my front, 4 different docs have looked at it & I've had varying diagnosis....First one said dermatitis, that was during covid & photo of rash sent to it's not itchy & it's not pink or raised. Its non pigmentation skin. Next doctor (same doctor but this time he actually looked at it...said vitiligo. Next doctor this year said pityriasis & then the next (August this year) said ringworm!!! No it's not itchy or raised, it's non pigmentation in rounds. Anyway....going to go to a dermatologist in the new year I think to get it properly diagnosed. Sorry for long aren't my favourite....I've had lots of gaslighting & more.
Are you on gluten free diet yet
This may also clear up skin issues
I had psoriasis and vitiligo develop before diagnosis of Hashimoto’s
They both disappeared after going gluten free
Yes I'm gluten free & dairy...I use lactofree milk. As lactose intolerant.
Thyroid patients are often intolerant to dairy enzymes, rather than just the lactose
Worth trying dairy free rather than lactose free
Is your levothyroxine lactose free
Lactose free brands - currently Vencamil or Teva
Vencamil is lactose free and mannitol free. originally only available as 100mcg only, but 25mcg, 50mcg and 75mcg tablets became available Sept 2024
Prior to March 2023 Vencamil was called Aristo
Vencamil often very well tolerated/best option for many people
How to get Vencamil stocked at your local pharmacy
Posts discussing Vencamil
Teva makes 12.5mcg 25mcg, 50mcg, 75mcg and 100mcg
Many patients do NOT get on well with Teva brand of Levothyroxine.
Teva is lactose free, but contains mannitol as a filler instead of lactose, which seems to be possible cause of problems. Mannitol seems to upset many people, it changes gut biome
Helpful post about Teva
Posts that mention Teva
Teva poll
This was my dose back then....
So almost certainly not high enough dose
Levothyroxine doesn’t “top up” your own thyroid output, it replaces it
Even if we frequently start on only 50mcg, most people need to increase levothyroxine dose slowly upwards in 25mcg steps (retesting 6-8 weeks after each increase) until eventually on, or somewhere near full replacement dose (typically 1.6mcg levothyroxine per kilo of your weight per day)
Adults usually start with a dose between 50 micrograms and 100 micrograms taken once a day. This may be increased gradually over a few weeks to between 100 micrograms and 200 micrograms taken once a day.
Some people need a bit less than guidelines, some a bit more
TSH should be under 2 as an absolute maximum when on levothyroxine
Graph showing median TSH in healthy population is 1-1.5
Comprehensive list of references for needing LOW TSH on levothyroxine
The optimal daily dose in overt hypothyroidism is 1·5–1·8 μg per kg of bodyweight, rounded to the nearest 25 μg.
I don't think my doctor back then understood any of the above...I certainly didn't & only now am I questioning it as I think a lot of my symptoms are down to hormones
TiggerMe when you say your results level goals… doesn’t it matter the day of your cycle… and/or are you already menopausal and when you are the levels are the same any day of the month?
The joy of post meno means I'm in control of the levels 😅 and they don't fluctuate much, I check them a couple of times a year as I've been adding a little dhea for the last 18 months which has just started to slightly increased both estradiol and testosterone levels so I've tweaked them down a little, I aim for lowest dose to alleviate symptoms
I went though the menopause at about 58 and it was a breeze after suffering with thyroid disease. I decided against HRT because my mother died from breast cancer. It’s amazing how differently it affects us all
For many it comes down to how well your adrenals are able to keep levels from totally crashing so always worth testing levels first, my adrenals were already exhausted from years of low fT3, I'm happy to use HRT for the benefit of my heart, bones, muscles and to be free of the awful tinnitus so my quality of life is greatly improved.... always recommend body identical forms... I think everyone is now so much more vigilant for any form of cancer as the odds aren't great for any of us 😕
I was on the pill until I was fifty the doctor had to force me to stop taking it lol
Have you ever checked your levels?
Which levels? Hormone?
sex hormones
Yes the doctor was amazed I was still having periods at 56. My grandmother was the same she was 60 when hers stopped. I am very like her just to add I do use a cream which I buy myself to prevent vaginal dryness but that’s all
Can I ask about the tinnitus you have, as I have it very badly too & it's one symptom I find very debilitating....which hrt do you use to help? Or is it a combination? Thank you for your help...much appreciated. Unfortunately I feel at the moment that every doctor I see blames every symptom I have on the menopause, but can't see why low kidney function & low haemotocrit & other issues I've been having with fbc & low mcv & high rbdw on my fbc can be attributed to the menopause. Last fbc done with docs said abnormal,& to repeat & he wasn't that worried about getting them checked again. I've just had a raised faecal calprotectin result & awaiting the results of another one (6 weeks later) to check if they need to refer me to gastroenterology. So much going on. it's hard to work out where to start with low ft3 is a worry as I know they won't prescribe anything for that. My doctor merely said its T4 we look at not T3....
It is tricky when they insist on looking at one thing at a time, I add all the sex hormones but it's oestrogen that helps with the tinnitus so worth sticking with the HRT then they will have to move on to the next issue.... thyroid!
Never heard of "faecal calprotectin" so keep us posted on that, I have very low neutrophils in my blood which seems common among us🤷♀️
Not sure...but think these are low. Some others I have none of...
Don't think that's necessarily bad... Medichecks explanation below
27 Jul 2023
0.06 (0 - 0.4)
Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that are responsible for removing parasitic infections and regulating inflammation to mark an infected site. They also play a role in allergy and in asthma.
What might a high result mean?
Elevated levels of eosinophils can occur in response to infection, in particular in parasitic infections of the intestines, such as worms. Levels of this white blood cell rise in order to fight off the infection.
Elevated levels of eosinophils can also arise when the body induces greater inflammation than necessary, as is the case in asthma and allergic responses as well as in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
27 Jul 2023
0.03 (0-0.1)
Basophils are a type of white blood cell that protect your body from bacteria and parasites such as ticks. They also play a role in allergic reactions.
What might a low result mean?
Low levels of basophils can be caused allergic reactions and infections, when the levels of basophils have spiked in order to protect the body, and then been depleted afterwards.
Low levels of basophils are associated with hyperthyroidism.
What might a high result mean?
Elevated levels of basophils can be seen with bone marrow disorders, in which the body produces an excess number of blood cells. Levels can also raise due to autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Raised levels of basophils are also associated with hypothyroidism.
So faecal calprotectin is a stool test to check for IBD etc, if it's below 99 it usually means IBS but when it's raised it's generally means IBD so they have to then do tests to see what's going on. I've had it for many years I feel, but this last year its been much worse & food intolerances have got much worse too. I react to so many things.....medication too, I'm quite surprised I can tolerate oestrogel, luckily I seem OK with that.
Can you recommend how much estradiol I should use as the doctors comments on my blood tests said my levels were high. Do you think I should stop using the gel or just use a little bit? I was only on one pump a day but that seemed loads when it came out the pump.... I'm so confused as to which way to go with this right now. Plus they won't look at anything else, all docs put it down to is menopause. For me, not knowing for definite if they did take my ovaries out or not complicates things a little as far as getting a doctor to prescribe anything more than just the oestrogen gel.
My GP told me that they don't like prescribing progesterone because it is the hormone that fuels breast cancer. This was quite a while ago now. I just have the oestrogen gel. Is this still the current thinking? I have a terrible sleep pattern.
There are people that use progesterone for symptom relief with mood and sleep so could be worth a try, they try to scare us with all sorts but the truth is hormones are natural compared to drugs that deal with the effects of low/ unbalanced hormone levels... progesterone for me is like a sleeping tablet... works a treat!
Worth investigating all of your levels
Hope you don't me checking. Oestrogen only is only prescribed if you have had an hysterectomy? Otherwise you should be prescribed both oestrogen and progesterone as progesterone is prescribed to protect the womb.I think your gp might have been taking about synthetic progesterone, progestin, like what is used in the pill, not micronised progesterone which is safe.
Also if you are having sleep issues utrogestan (progesterone) can be a life saver. It can have a sedative effect for a lot of women. I now get 7/8 hours every night.
Even if you have had an hysterectomy utrogestan can still help with sleep and mood..just might have a fight getting it prescribed for that
Sparkly and Leaney
synthetic progesterone, progestin, like what is used in the pill, not micronised progesterone which is safe.
I’m in my own learning curve, but long story short, I asked my gyno about bioidentical vs synthetic progesterone and she said it was “just marketing.”
Which is absolutely factually incorrect.
In context of synthetic vs bioidentical progesterone, and for me as I look to get a prescription for bioidentical micronized progesterone, the molecular structure for the two are different.
And functionally the synthetic version can actually create/trigger inflammation whereas the bioidentical combats inflammation.
I now see that my gyno was actually lying… and at the end of the conversation I concluded she was doing so for convenience. As when someone is prescribed just progesterone (in my case I noted I suspect I have Luteal phase (post ovulation but pre- period) estrogen dominance … she said for most patients it’s very difficult to manage… ie, knowing when your Luteal phase begins or even just remembering to take it cyclically starting from day 14 of my cycle.
I don’t really forgive the outright lie… but I do understand that most people are not patients like us… truly tuned into our bodies and disciplined symptom and blood test trackers.
I am just starting my education/treatment journey for sex-hormone-related things. So thought I’d weigh in with my recent experience.
Also - for anyone reading this that is peri (not post menopause), for me I am peri and still ovulating and having periods so I’ve been building up a set of blood test results at different times in my cycle as I check out where things should be vs where they are. If perimenopause the time of month for the level really matters.
That's not a high oestrogen level. Needs to be over 250 for good bone health. I like mine between 400-500.