As I've had RAI to knock out my thyroid, am I able to have iodine products such spirulina or calcium derived from sea algae? Thank you !
Another query!! : As I've had RAI to knock out my... - Thyroid UK
Another query!!

You need to check each and every spirulina product. A substantial number have low or very low iodine content. But some have quite a bit.
Can you explain what you are trying to achieve? Someone might be better able to help if you let us know.
Thank you. I'm researching alternatives to calcium carbonate after having information from greygoose on the risks associated with it. I'm currently prescribed calcium carbonate for osteoporosis. Additionally, when I'm recovered from this nasty B12 deficiency, I'm thinking some superfood supplement might be useful.
As I said before, calcium is neither a treatment, a preventative nor a cure for osteoporosis, and excess calcium will make things worse by making your bones brittle. When did you last have your calcium tested? Was it low?
I was told by orthopaedic hospital that it was a bit low in August this year: 2.32 (2.2-2.6)
Ever so slightly low, but not enough to warrant daily calcium supplements.
As Hidden says, taking vit D with K2 will increase your absorption of calcium from food, calcium from food is much better absorbed at a cellular level than any supplement. And you are taking vit D, I believe? You also need to take magnesium because vit D and magnesium work together - the magnesium converts the vit D to the form that is used by the body. And magnesium is much, much more important for bones than calcium, and it's pretty likely that you're deficient in magnesium because most people are. So, if I were you, I'd forget the calcium supplements and concentrate on taking magnesium with vit D. Far better for your bones!
I thought Spirulina
I also take D with K.
I've been taking 3000iu Vit D.
This is what I'm not certain about. I read somewhere that if the thyroid is no longer functioning (surgery or RAI), iodine is no longer of any concern. Is this true?
Hey there -
I've been reading through your posts since you asked me a question this morning re thyroid / RAI treatment.
I couldn't see RAI listed on your Profile page and why I wasn't aware of you posts previously.
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eg Caradoc1a
Thank you!! My initial response was to be sceptical about what I read. (I am generally pretty sceptic!!)
Yes, I know they do. But, as I keep saying, doctors know nothing about nutrition. They are ignorant to the point of being dangerous! Never take nutritional advice from a doctor.
Oh but they do! I've been told by doctors that I should:
- cut out all traces of fat/oil from my diet
- cut out all salt
- live on boiled rice and carrots
- live on soup just made with water (no oil/fat, in other words plain boiled veggies!)
- include soy in my diet
- forget about B12 - it's just a vitamin (!!!)
- take high doses of iodine
- take magnesium if you want to - it won't do you any harm but it won't do you any good, either...
And a lot more that I've forgotten. If I'd taken all that 'advice', I'm pretty sure I'd be dead by now!
Yup. But only because I ignored doctors' nutritional 'advice'!
So, how come he was leading a seminar on nutrition? Had he done a course of it since leaving med school?