after my antibiotic course mid November I had a few caps of a recommended probiotic from Amrita after speaking with their nutritionist. After a couple of days it was clear that a whole cap was too much to start with and put me straight into die-off so I cut back to quarter cap for a couple of days and then moved onto Microbz Revive liquid. Started low on a teaspoon at bedtime instead of the recommended tablespoon and have had 7 doses so far.
3 days ago I had what I consider a really good day in that my anxiety was minimal and I felt much better than I have all this year and I even managed a half hour walk that night and tummy felt fine and following morning (GROSS ALERT SORRY BYPASS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ )...........................................................I passed what I consider a really good well formed stool and had to go again an hour later. I am very regular anyway but I seemed to move quite a bit that day. Instead of floating as it usually does due to poor fat digestion; down to the bottom of the pan they went and I was kinda thrilled to see that (funny as it sounds) so that perked me up that things were moving in the right direction and fairly quickly but the very next day (yesterday) all the nasty symptoms came back with a vengeance and I don't know how I got through yesterday I really don't. As well as the debilitating anxiety, nausea, fatigue, very depressed etc., slight cramping in my lower tummy all day and night so I pretty much knew what to expect today when I went and there were bits of what looked like film/mucus in it again which is telling me that the SIBO/Candida I was diagnosed with 6yrs ago is still there as I couldn't afford to retest with my FD at that time after her protocol to see if it had cleared.
I had a long conversation with a nutitionist at Amrita today and we discussed alsorts which is for another post but I feel if I am going to continue with the probiotic I need something to help with the die off ie. activated charcoal which I have ordered although the problem is with that is going to fine somewhere to slot it in well away from my meds and how much longer are these die-off symptoms going to continue.
As I am on the probiotic I stopped with the Kimchi and Kefir as it felt like going from nothing to initial overload if you know what I mean but at this point I just wanna stop the probiotic just to stop all these symptoms but I know it's an up and down journey to heal the gut which takes a long time but I don't know how much longer I can deal with all the horrible symptoms or even what to do at this point.
If I stay off the probiotic for a couple of days and have some kimchi/kefir instead and then restart, then I just restart the die-off cycle again surely?
I know you are supposed to listen to your body but it's the not knowing what is going to happen from one day to the next thing. I don't know whether I am doing right or wrong anymore with anything I am doing.
What a complete and utter mess I am in this year, moreso than others and no idea what the hell to do to help myself and no-one to ask