I know it's only been since last thursday since I got my results back to find I was overmedicating but still feeling very poorly, fatigue is awful, mentally confused, palps and the panic is awful. I can't do this, I just can't!!!!!!!!!!
On Friday I left off my Levo, but worried about side effects of doing so, so Saturday I took 25mcg, Sunday, left off. On waking the anxiety wasn't as debilitating after missing a dose and taking a low dose the day after, UNTIL Monday when I took 100 and this morning took 100 and feeling worse again.
Where I currently am, I don't know what immediate action to take without sabotaging everything. What if I took say 25mcg for a few days to help get my T4 down before starting my new dose, but then again I have to take into account the doses I messed with from Friday to today???
Although I was on 125, I think even taking 100 is just keeping my T4 levels topped up instead of them dropping quicker before I properly start my new regime. I am on small dose T3, so I was worried it would drop my T3 levels too quickly which is why I went back on 100 initially on Monday but I really don't know how to handle this right now
BP is ok but heart rate high when I start moving around.
What do I do???? Should I stay on a low dose of say 25-50 for a few days and then restart on my new regime of alternating between 100 and 125 or go 112mcg. I just need to get this T4 down quickly and safely and don't know how to do it without dramatically affecting my T3 levels
I feel so poorly and frightened of the symptoms I am experiencing. I can't function mentally or physically and just really don't know what to do, I can't think straight to work things out for myself so need help please