Hi everyone,
I would appreciate any advice (paticularly around fertility) following my recent test results.
To give some context, I am 33, my partner is 37 and we have been trying for a baby for 2 years and 9 months. We did fall pregnant in December 2022 (after 10 months of trying). Unfortunately, this pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 9 weeks. I was referred by the GP to gynaecology in March after just over 2 years of trying to get pregnant with no other positive pregnancy tests. Blood tests appear to show I'm ovulating, have good ovarian reserve and I've had normal transvaginal ultrasound and HSG results. My partner's sperm test came back as normal.
The gynaecologist confirmed that I have an underactive thyroid in May (serum TSH level: 5.230 mU/L, normal range 0.570 to 3.600, serum free T4 level: 7.7 pmol/L, normal range: 7.9 to 14.0), after two previous results that were classed as subclinical hypothyroidism by the GP (the GP was managing this conservatively). My underactive thyroid was found to be autoimmune (thyroid antibodies TPO: 729.3 U/mL, normal range:
0.0 to 9.0).
The gynaecologist started me on 75mcg of levothyroxine. My levels were tested again in August 2024 and the GP said these are now normal (serum TSH level: 0.173 mU/L, normal range: 0.570 to 3.600 pmol/L, serum free T4 level: 14.3, normal range: 7.9 to 14.0) and so I have remained on 75mcg. I am aware these are now below normal levels but am unsure how this affects health and fertility? I have never been tested for T3 levels.
The gynaecologist referred me to endocrinology to further investigate and advise on the fertility issues. The endocrinologist retested my thyroid and tested various other hormone levels a couple of weeks ago. I am still awaiting the results of these tests. I am unsure if the endocrinologist has retested antibody levels.
I have had a reduction in some symptoms after starting levothyroxine but lots have persisted. I will list them all below:
Persistent fatigue
Recurring stomach pain (appears to be getting worse recently. I've had this every day for past 2 weeks, especially after eating)
Painful gas (frequent flatulence and burping, regular gurgling stomach)
Acid reflux and regular hiccups after eating
Occasional mucus and undigested food in poo
Frequent nausea (worse before/during period)
Problems with bowel moments for years, often they are loose but sometimes they are hard to pass (I have previously been told by the GP I have IBS)
Haemorrhoids (have had them over a year) which sometimes bleed and don't respond to treatment
Frequent bowel movements (3-4 times a day)
Dizziness/light-headedness, sometimes accompanied by blurred vision (previously occasional vertigo but the vertigo appears to have stopped after starting the levothyroxine)
Sometimes it briefly feels as if the floor is moving
Constant tinnitus
Hearing loss in both ears (confirmed by hearing tests, severe at high frequencies and borderline at mid frequencies)
Joint pain (mainly knees and elbows)
Recurrent low mood and anxiety
Occasional restless legs (better recently, after starting levothyroxine)
Recurrent itchy skin (better recently, after starting levothyroxine)
Regular headaches (better recently, after starting levothyroxine)
Infrequent urination
Sometimes I have pain during and after sex
Muscle cramps in legs (especially when in bed)
Brittle nails
Recurrent mouth ulcers and painful tongue and roof of mouth
Problems with regulating temperature (often feel very cold but other times very hot)
Dry eyes (confirmed by the optician)
Occasional heart palpitations
Occasional tingling and numbness in hands (appears to be better after starting levothyroxine)
Lots of and easy bruising
Pale skin
Issues around periods:
Leg pain
Back pain
Heavy periods and often lots of clotting (the period before last I had flooding & passed some very large blood clots)
Slightly irregular periods, ranging from 24-36 days (this has stabilised since starting levothyroxine but it may be too early to tell)
The digestion/bowel problems are worse before and during my period
I have been seen my ENT for the hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness/vertigo. They have carried out a few tests but can not find a cause so far. Some of the consultants have mentioned carrying out an MRI but this not yet happened. At my most recent appointment in August, they said this is probably thyroid related. However, the dizziness/light-headedness has continued despite starting levothyroxine in June. (However the vertigo appears to have stopped.)
After reading advice on here, I have cut out gluten, dairy and caffeine to help reduce my antibody levels. I started this in July. I have also cut down on alcohol and soya (there have been a few occasions where I have consumed some) and don't smoke. My partner has also cut out caffeine and drinks alcohol infrequently. I am also vegetarian. I have tried to improve my diet as much as possible.
After reading other advice on here, I also asked the GP to test B12, Vitamin D, folate and ferritin levels a couple of weeks ago.
These came back as:
Serum ferritin: 11 ug/L
Normal range: 11 to 307
Serum 25-HO vit D3 level: 40.4 nmol/L
Normal range: above 50.0
Serum vitamin B12: 246 ng/L
Normal range: Above 203
Serum folate: 17.6 ug/L
Normal range: above 4.0
The GP text me to advise me to take a Vitamin D supplement (but not what dose to take) as my levels are slightly low. My main concern is my ferritin levels, which they are classing as normal and so they have given me no further advice on this. However, after some research, they appear to be suboptimal and the laboratory comment under the test results on my NHS app states, 'If result is less than 14 ug/L, iron deficiency is likely'.
I have also read some posts on the internet stating a B12 level of less than 500 is suboptimal?
I have previously had a full blood count in February 2024. The results were all 'normal' and seem to confirm I did not have anemia at the time.
The results were:
Haemolglobin estimation: 126 g/L
Normal range: 115 to 165
Haematocrit: 37.2 %
Normal range:
36.0 to 46.0
Mean corpuscular volume: 81.7 fL
Normal range:
77.0 to 100.0
Mean corpusc. haemoglobin (MCH): 27.6 pg
Normal range:
27.0 to 32.0
Mean corpusc. Hb. conc. (MCHC): 338 g/L
Normal range: 315 to 345
Red blood cell distribut width: 13.1 %
Normal range:
11.6 to 14.0
lymphocyte count: 2.6 x10*9/L
Normal range:
1.0 to 3.0
I feel like it is a battle for my GP to take my problems seriously and this is getting me down. My fertility problems are taking a toll on my mental health and this is not helped by my other symptoms (especially the constant fatigue).
I have found the gynaecologist very helpful but I have only seen him once in person and am now waiting for my next appointment, with no indication of how long this will be. The gynaecologist has previously advised the next step would be a referral for IVF (this was before the ferritin results came back) but if I there is any action I can take to help increase my chances of getting pregnant and supporting a pregnancy naturally I will take it.
I am going to talk to him at the next appointment about testing for endometriosis, as this is something I have wondered whether I may have.
Please can anybody give me some advice on how to proceed, especially following my recent ferritin test results and any other advice in general regarding my symptoms and improving my fertility?
Thank you very much for reading this long very post! I am grateful for any help.