I am a sufferer of Hashimoto’s and have read that it could triggered by mercury in amalgam fillings. Has anyone else heard about this link?
amalgam fillings: I am a sufferer of Hashimoto’s... - Thyroid UK
amalgam fillings

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While I am sure that having amalgam fillings isn't a good idea, there are many issues and questions about their removal. It's not simple. And probably not cheap. And might not be a good idea.
The thing is, it’s already been triggered. And removing those amalgam fillings isn’t going to untrigger it. Plus, removing fillings and having them redone involves drilling a bit more tooth away and weakening the teeth you have left.
Welcome to our forum,
I’m a Hashi suffer and had all my amalgam removed around 2016, as had so many huge fillings. The process was long and I was supposed to chelate for a year after but only lasted 6 months as felt so much better.
I’m a strong advocate for mercury removal but you need to be guided by a well practiced dentist who knows the correct procedures and a nutritionist to support you through the process and afterwards.
I did my own mercury removal last week!
An amalgam filling on the edge of a tooth just broke off.
Amazingly enough, I had a replacement done within something like fifteen hours. Very lucky my dentist had an appointment available.
All I can say is I had a good number of amalgam fillings removed many years ago and found it necessary to reduce my meds shortly afterwards
I have a very large and very old amalgam filling on a lower molar that needs to be removed and crowned, in fact there is more filling holding the tooth together and not enough to repair the cracked filling. I read up on mercury toxity etc and symptoms some time back and when removing dentists have to do it in a certain and I wonder whether some of my anxiety issues might actually be down to the amalgam fillings I had done over the years. I did have a mercury toxity test done some years back and it came back ok but now the filling is broken I am worried more mercury may be leaking into my system. I have an appointment on Thursday to have it removed and crowned but I am petrified, especially now wondering whether he knows the the dangers on our systems with mercury fillings. Should I phone and double check because we never actually discussed any of the safety side of it when I went for an assessment as he is a new dentist to me
This comes up from time to time on the Forum. Like taking statins, in the end it becomes a personal choice. Also like everything hypothyroid, it’s probably very individual.
I understand if you decide to go ahead with this you have to have a dentist who makes all the proper ‘barriers’. I think this is considered (by those who agree this is a problem) to be very important.
My dentist (private) Pooh poohs the whole thing and whilst I trust them, I cynically look at the possible money making schemes they could create for themselves by removing the fillings and they don’t.
There are so many reasons why we suffer hypothyroidism. This is one possible reason in a long list.
Yes I had mine replaced years ago. There are dentists that change them with lots of care and attention. I wish I hadn't bothered because the fillings had been in for years anyway.
Yes, there are dentists who specialise in removing amalgam fillings properly. Probably not cheap but then do you want to let mercury into your body when someone does an improper job of removing it? The fillings can leak it slowly as well. I had all my old amalgam fillings replaced slowly (not so many fortunately). In one case it did weaken the tooth - I lost it earlier this year in process of a root canal. Now I have another problem - finding a dentist who will put a zirconia or ceramic implant in. I am EMF sensitive and am not going to put a chunk of metal into my head, near my brain. So, do your research and find someone good to do the work.