tooth amalgam: Has anybody had the mercury... - Thyroid UK

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tooth amalgam

29 Replies

Has anybody had the mercury removed from their teeth and was there a benefit? I am thinking of having it done.

29 Replies
mikee5 profile image

Mercury is TOXIC. Amalgam fillings are dangerous, there are many horror stories people who had their teeth filled with amalgam fillings and eventually suffer with mercury poisoning.

First of all, perhaps you should take a hair analysis test. This would help you identify the level of mercury in your system. There are many available online, depending on your location. If you're symptomatic, this is a good place to start.

Even if mercury isn't present in the test results, it's safe to have them removed to avoid any issues in the future. Fillings break and chip and you can swallow the particles. Mercury vapor can also be released into the body from the fillings.

There are plenty of dentists online offering mercury removal. However, DO YOUR RESEARCH. There should be a protective rubber dam used during the procedure to prevent you swallowing the mercury during the process. Dr. Mercola provides an excellent guide here

If you can afford it (and it will be very expensive), go ahead. Your health is an investment. I haven't had mine removed yet as the procedure requires a lot of money and patience. But there are plenty of success stories online. Good luck.

Hypo101 profile image
Hypo101 in reply to mikee5

I had silver filling removed with no protection at all anf think that's what set of my declining health.

in reply to mikee5

I wonder if it would be cheaper and safer to just have the teeth removed.

honor1a profile image

Hi Mandyjane,

I read on this forum about amalgam filling removal for improved health, i asked my dentist about it, he saidhe would do it if i insistedm but advised against it as removing them just creates more problems for the mercury absorbing into my system, so i still have my amalgam fillings xx

Lynneypin profile image
Lynneypin in reply to honor1a

I have also had this said to me by a doctor I trust. I have 9 fillings and hate them, but I'm scared removing them will make matters worse. I found a holistic/biological dentist who has agreed to remove safely as and when they need replacing, and even he said not to do it if there are other major health issues I'm up against (I have Lung disease similar to TB) as the detox process is tough.

Nikki28 profile image

My integrative doctor has recommended that I have my amalgam fillings removed and replaced with white ones as my mercury levels are double what they should be. I have tiny pinprick blood spots on my tummy that he says indicates liver congestion. He has told me to use an integrative Dentist who will use a rubber dam when removing them so that I don't digest/absorb them. He has given me NAC (antioxidant) to flush the mercury from my system.

Martina profile image

For anyone looking for a mercury detox protocol, I recommend looking up Dr Klinghardt's website

His protocol mainly consists of chlorella, coriander and allium ursinum

Twitchen profile image

I also was told that it can cause more damage to your health trying to remove amalgam fillings that have been in place for years than just leaving them alone.

I agree it is a bit worrying, but I would imagine that nearly every person in the country over say 30 has some amalgam fillings. When I was a child and visited the dentist they were compulsory whether needed or not - in the 1960's dentists just had free rein to wreck children's teeth and all for money.

hairyfairy profile image
hairyfairy in reply to Twitchen

I grew up in the 50`s & 60`s, & know all about unscroupulous dentists. I have loads of amalgam fillings, but can`t afford to change them for another material. There`s no way that I`d have my teeth removed. My mother lost all her teeth because of gum disease in her 30`s, & she looked hideous when she took them out. Her health declined after that.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to hairyfairy

You want to see the French and their teeth! They might have a healthy meditteranean type, diet now and look chic and healthy, but the older generation, about same age as me, generally our teeth are in better condition, I think!

Margo profile image
Margo in reply to hairyfairy

Interesting what you have said hairy fairy, I grew up the same time as you, and have quite a few amalgams.

My lovely mother had beautiful teeth, but had them all removed at 36 years old having been told she had 'gum disease'. She too had terrible health, I suspect thyroid. I now wonder about that 'gum disease', or was it all about NHS cash to dentists for removing teeth.

Thank goodness now for the internet, we now know more, things that we aren't meant to know, if you get my drift.

in reply to Twitchen

I went through that as a child in the 60's. I'm positive dentists got paid by the filling. I had a dentist who would fill my teeth every 6 months. Then I eventually moved areas and found a dentist I've been with for 34 years. I've had two replacement fillings in all this time, and I'm always told I'm really good at cleaning my teeth, as there is never any plaque to clean off. It makes me so mad that I have so many unnecessary mercury fillings. I was a child in an era when you didn't have sweets and only had pudding on a Sunday, chocolate was kept for Christmas only. I have always eaten a very healthy diet and my children have no fillings well into their twenties.

I did ask my dentist about removing the mercury fillings and he was very reluctant about it as you can absorb a lot of mercury this way, unless it's done correctly. I asked him about toxicity and he said mercury fillings would not now be approved.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to

I'm positive that dentists were paid by the filling too. Every molar of mine is filled, originally with mercury amalgam, but as I got older if a filling needed to be replaced I had it replaced with a white filling. I never gave a thought to the possible dangers of swallowing bits of amalgam. I still have several grey fillings.

The thing about paying dentists by the filling is that I can't think of any other way that dentists will ever be paid. I had a private dentist for a long time and the bills were frightening. (I'm back with the NHS now.)

Lovetohelp profile image
Lovetohelp in reply to Twitchen

My dentist ruined my mouth back 70s . He filled nearly every tooth with amalgam and crowned front teeth . If suffered I’ll health all my life since . Had amalgam removed 20 yrs ago : I’m glad I did . But still had mercury in front teeth due to apecectomy. Got them removed in 2013 and got implants . They got infected and left me in dreadful state . Since had fillings replaced I’ve had root canals as wasn’t aware they dangerous so back to square one . May go to munroe Hall Clinic . Anyone been and what they like

Yes I was a sixtys and seventys child. My mouth is full of huge fillings yet I never had toothache. The trauma of doing that to a child is bad enough but to fill our mouths with a poison like mercury. I am so angry about it and yet powerless. We even have to pay huge amounts to get it removed properly. I think I will leave mine but take some .chlorella for a while to see if that helps

SAMBS profile image

Strangely enough a friend of mine here just had precisely that done 3 weeks ago,and replaced with all white stuff ? Amalgam? guess it's too soon to know.she also has hypothyroidism. It's only been because of her many complaints to me about various health things going wrong, that made me look up Thyroid UK for her end of last year and my health, via worse blood test is in a worse state than hers. I'll keep you posted on the fillings oh and she insisted on keeping her Gold Cap.

hairyfairy profile image

Iv`e read that garlic is good for flushing mercury out of the system.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to hairyfairy

me too! I recommended elsewhere on TUK the use of sliced and squeeze d fresh garlic rubbed on the skin on the neck around the glands and Adam's apple, I did that when I had a sore throat and, it also healed the loose skin from a burst blood blister inside my cheek earlier this year. Wonder what rubbing it round my gums would do for them and my teeth. Ironically, raw juices didn't leave a taste of it, smell I don't know - good job no OH now :-)

Twitchen profile image

I think it is very sad that undoubtedly our parents thought they were doing the best thing by taking us to the dentist every six months, but it would have been far kinder not to.

lauralaura13 profile image

Hi there, make sure the correct protocol is put in place and avoid doing them all at once. The week I had two old mercury fillings removed was the start of my health problems. Only go to a specialist dentist. Mine laughed and said there was nothing to worry about ( no precautions taken ) and I have been ill for two years. You are better without the fillings but take your time and have it done properly. Good luck x

jjnz profile image
jjnz in reply to lauralaura13

Exactly what happened to me !

dina7 profile image

I had all my amalgam removed at the Munro-Hall Clinic - though by the time they'd removed all my infected teeth there wasn't that much mercury left to remove. They use a very strict protocol for removal, followed by intra-venous Vitamin C. They did tell me that my problems were caused by infection rather than mercury, and I was tested somewhere else for mercury and was told I was ok.

So I would not have amalgam fillings removed unless I knew it was going to benefit me, as I think it can cause more harm than good. But it's not good either if you have other metals in your mouth (Faradays law), and I had one gold bridge and one nickel (which I would never have agreed to if I'd known, as I'm allergic to that).

I too was brought up in the 60s and 70s where dentists were paid for every filling. Had a mouthful of amalgam fillings, some of them were huge blobs that were obviously carelessly put in.

Have now had all the amalgams removed by a holistic dentist, it took six months and cost a huge amount of money. The biggest difference I've noticed is that my brain fog disappeared and I could construct sentences.

I had a supplement regime pre-treatment then during treatment followed more post treatment, as recommended by my dentist. I did not research chelation at that time but have since, there is so much conflicting information out there with no single protocol standing out above others.

Twitchen profile image

How do you get mercury levels tested? I know if I asked my GP he wouldn't do it.

I have mentioned my concerns about amalgam fillings to my last two dentists and they both say there is no problem with them, so what are we supposed to do.

Ultimately I think we have to get it into perspective, in that there are tens of millions of people walking around with probably billions of amalgam fillings between them.

The stress and anxiety of worrying about every single thing that may have an impact on our health is in itself extremely damaging.

One thing I was surprised to read on here is that B12 supplements are not a good idea with amalgam fillings. I have been taking sublingual methylcobalamin for over a year as I have positive parietal cell antibody and so can't absorb it from food, so what am I supposed to do?

This article seems to contradict that though and in fact is all good! Who knows what to belive:(

jjnz profile image

I had my 6 amalgams removed 12 months ago. I'm not sure that any protocol was followed, I certainly didn't have oxygen.

Immediately I felt tired, assumed anisthetic

Within 3 weeks I had tremors in my hands, intention tremors in fingers. Lots of brain fog, headaches and huge anxiety.

12 months later I still have memory probs, headaches, balance issues and tremor but my neurologist says it can't be because of the hg fillings. Despite him knowing I had bruxism and the fillings removed all at once.

My doctor says the same. Just no way its anything to do with fillings.

Yet the symptoms match, the onset timing matches, so I went to an alternative health practitioner who took blood, hair and aa chelated challenge urine. Urine showed a lot of mercury, hair showed lots of lead and blood detected a little of each. The standout thing for me is that mainstream practitioners were "annoyed" that I had got this testing done. As though I was trying to embarrass them, my doctor then suggested I needed antidepressants !

There seems to be polar opposites here and more politics and legacy talking than science.

Last month I developed a very very fine tremor in my jaw, its imperceptible to others but I feel it in my teeth.

I'm not happy.

in reply to jjnz

I have noticed in uk that state services are very supportive of each other and none of the employees feel happy about any of the gove funded services being challenged. Doctors will be blindly supportive of NHS dentistry. The ones on my surgery are also unwilling to discuss schooling problems with my kids and have seen any problems my kids have had which have been due to timing and disclosure of the children clearly a schooling issue are seen as a parenting problems and issues I have brought up about ill treatment my children have had in schools have been minimised on paper ( eg my elder boy was given 9 detentions in his first 2 weeks at a new school for making mistake) This was recorded as 2 in his medical notes. Doctors will not be happy about any challenge to a government provided service. They do not work for us remember they work for the government. I have only ever had one GP who saw things differently and he was so lovely but rare as hens teeth.

christina1952 profile image

Hi all - have just posted my own experience on another thread by Flowers - that is what happened to me and although I can never be absolutely sure, there really was no other explanation. Please be careful if you're considering this and make sure you go to a specialist dentist.

Chrysblue profile image

I had one removed , and i feel that it did affect my health, because i then started having my thyroid problems and have had my thyroid removed. I wad fine up until then.

vitamin c, organic apples and pears as well as activated charcoal are cheaper ways to remove mercury from the body.

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