Salivary gland swelling.: Hi, I didn't really... - Thyroid UK

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Salivary gland swelling.

lizzie1 profile image
13 Replies

Hi, I didn't really know where to post this problem but as I have UAT I thought I might get some help from you lovely lot here.Five weeks ago I had a felt poorly with a virus for a few days but soon realised I had a large swelling under my left ear. Went to the doc who said it was parotitis, inflammation of the salivary glands and to give it 2 weeks and to come back if it does not go. It was tender and painful. It didn't go so was prescribed antibiotics. Have finished these but the lump is still there after 5 weeks and it is freaking me out. Its not as painful but still obvious. The gp said it won't be anything sinister as it appeared so quickly and does not seem bothered. I have read it could be a stone and have drunk plenty and sucked sweets but nothing has worked. I had a very early stage melanoma removed from my leg 2 years ago but the doc said any swelling would appear in my groin not my neck and both docs said it was not sinister and not related to my skin cancer.

Can't help but panic each time I feel this lump on my neck

Any ideas and thank you.

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lizzie1 profile image
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13 Replies
DippyDame profile image

Do you have Hashimoto's?

Given that any or all parts of the body can be affected by hypothyroidism (more specifically low cellular T3) I certainly wouldn't ignore a thyroid condition

I clearly cannot diagnose but I doubt there is any need to panic.

Suggest a full thyroid test. ( TSH, FT4, FT3, vit D, vit B12, folate, ferritin and thyroid antibodies TPO and TG) and post the results for advice.

Doctors are not always clued up on thyroid conditions and testing

The area behind/ below my left ear swells up if I have an infection of if my T3 is thyroid condition is complex! This concerned me for some time until I discovered the thyroid/ salivary gland connection.

You may be undermedicated.

lizzie1 profile image
lizzie1 in reply to DippyDame

Thank you so much for your reply. Yes I have hasimotos. I recently had my annual blood test done, they will only test my tsh which was 0.45 (I am on t3 only) . The lump swells up and down when I have been eating. It is just under my left ear. I never thought of a thyroid connection.

TiggerMe profile image

This might be worth a go?...

There are a series of moves to unblock things 😬

lizzie1 profile image
lizzie1 in reply to TiggerMe

Thank you will take a look.

humanbean profile image

This link might be helpful :

I googled "How to remove a salivary gland stone" and found lots and lots of links on the subject. Having never had such a stone I don't know how easy or difficult it is.

lizzie1 profile image
lizzie1 in reply to humanbean

Thank you.

HelenaJ profile image

Hi, I had my parotid gland removed and afterwards I had a large swelling under my ear which the doctor said was a build-up of saliva. Any eating or sweetie sucking made the whole side of my neck swell up and stiffen so I gave up on that!Doctor gave me antibiotics, injected BOTOX into the gland and then I had to return weekly for 4 weeks to get it drained with a syringe. It was uncomfortable and unsightly but it did go away.

lizzie1 profile image
lizzie1 in reply to HelenaJ

Thank you for your reply. I find sucking sweets is not helping at all so have stopped that. It feels like it needs to pop, if that makes sense so would not surprise me if it was full of saliva. Did your GP drain it or was it a hospital job. It is uncomfortable and really just want it to go back to normal. The antibiotics have not helped so am back to the GP tomorrow. I have tried a hot compress and massage, but nothing works.

HelenaJ profile image
HelenaJ in reply to lizzie1

Hi, my consultant at the hospital drained it. Nothing else helped at all. After 4 drainings it started to flatten and disappear. Hope this helps.

lizzie1 profile image
lizzie1 in reply to HelenaJ

Thank you.

PRJ20 profile image
PRJ20 in reply to lizzie1

Were they sugar free Lemon drops, which are tart? - They're the ones that are recommended or sucking a wedge of fresh lemon (like a quarter wedge) may help. Also, sucking an ice cube that's started to go watery can sometimes help, as long as it's not too cold or straight from the freezer.

ETA: That nhs link that HB gave you says the same. 👍

PRJ20 profile image

Hi   lizzie1 , yes I get parotid gland swelling but, though I have had bilateral parotid gland swelling a couple of times, mine is predominantly/flares-up on my right side (see picture below/following, which I'll have to add after from my phone as I'm still doing workarounds on my rubbish system!!), have had for many years (probably about 17), and I also have TED and Hashi's (still untreated), initially 'diagnosed' (or ?misdiagnosed) as Graves'. Having done quite a lot of researching this myself more recently due to the last flare-up in October (like yours it flares-up when I'm eating and after a period when I've obviously had other things going on/?a virus or inflammation), I'm now convinced they're linked and either another part of the autoimmune process connected to the thyroid and/or yet another autoimmune disease such as Sjögren’s - with autoimmune diseases, as you probably know, often coming in pairs/more than one. Indeed, the following links attest to this:

High Prevalence of Thyroid Disease and Role of Salivary Gland Scintigraphy in Patients with Xerostomia

Salivary Alterations in Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases; A Systematic Review

Parotitis: Parotid Gland Swelling Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Steps to Take Re Treating and/or Querying Further Investigations:

1) although you may have a good GP (mine is absolutely clueless), if you do need further investigations or treatment, are concerned that your GP isn't joining-up the dots/taking you seriously, or you are in any way concerned, then a Dental Surgeon is a good/the next person to consult with your concerns (see following two points);

2) the first investigation, as far as I'm aware if you have on-going problems or recurrence(s), is a sialogram, which is a procedure done by a Radiographer where a small catheter is inserted into the salivary gland and contrast medium injected into the catheter so that the salivary gland(s) can be viewed

3) this was the form of self-treatments I was given for removing a salivary gland stone and/or the debris that can build-up in the parotid gland by a great dentist I saw and they work every time for me:

3.1 as it's your left parotid gland, with clean hands, take the index and middle finger of your right hand and place them together flat, with palm down, on the inside of your left cheek/mouth over where the parotid gland duct is (usually felt as a small bump like a skin tag near the back of the cheek); and then, with your left hand, again palm flat and face down with fingers together, gently massage/stroke your cheek from just below the ear, over the fingers inside and towards your jawline. Keep repeating this for a few minutes and you may be able to feel a stone or something gritty may come into your mouth. It can get quite messy (dribbling saliva!) so, maybe best to don a 'bib'/towel round your front; 😜

3.2 use regular warm salt water mouthwashes - i.e. every 4-6 hours - whilst you have the swelling and particularly after eating and really slosh it around your mouth, with salt water mouthwashes acting as a natural remedy to protect against bacteria and infections, as well promoting healing after dental procedures (just an aside, also really good for sore throats when you gargle with them); and also ensure you remain well hydrated with plenty of water (I find drinking boiled water whilst still warm the best way to do this when I'm at home, as it's really soothing on the system, drink very little else nowadays when at home, and have also been known to get a pot of boiled water (costs nothing!) at a local veggie & vegan cafe I sometimes go to);

4) One of my sisters got me some Calcarea Carbonica (Calc Carb) - a Homoeopathic Remedy, from Goulds Chemists in London (link here: ; though there are other outlets such as Helios, Tunbridge Wells, as well as London, link here: Nelsons Homoeopathic Remedies are also available from a wide range of outlets in the UK - link here: , Weleda is another one, link here: and Holland & Barret also stock various ones, including their own brand) - after she was with me one time when I had a recurrence/flare-up, which really helped and, ironically, I've found a reference to it being recommended for just this purpose (salivary gland stone) in this article here: However, I am neither medically qualified nor a Homoeopath, though I have been fortunate to have positive experiences of Homoeopathic Treatment on the NHS (Orthodox Trained Doctor's first who then specialised in Classical Homoeopathy), which I'm convinced is because they took a thorough history, did a thorough examination, went from symptoms and took a holistic stance that is sadly lacking in mainstream medicine (my view)...that was until the NHS decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater and distanced themselves altogether from Homoeopathy (2017, I think that was). Both my sisters are long-term advocates and users of complementary approaches, including Homoeopathy, and have recommended various remedies for me over the years (Arnica is 1) which have always helped me but, this may not be for you and I would recommend you following-up the source of this swelling by the above and following routes and ensuring it is thoroughly investigated.

5) Personally, I would go with your gut and what you know of your own body and push for as many blood tests as you can - i.e. FBC, All the Thyroid Tests and essential Vitamins and Minerals (tagging   SlowDragon so that she can give you some guidance) as testing TSH only, particularly as you're on T3, is completely useless and tells them, or us, nothing!) - so that you can get a full picture of what is going on and, if your GP/Endo or other Consultant you mentioned are being dismissive like you've indicated (sadly the norm), then you have the option of doing the ones they won't do privately through TUK. Also, important, ensure you get a print out of all your results going back as far as you can - you are legally entitled to these.

6) Have you ever had a scan of your thyroid? - If not, I'd definitely be pushing for one of those, too.

As you've found, although I realise you haven't been on for while, you have to be your own Advocate and be firm and polite in ensuring things are done. Please keep us updated how you get on. Take care and sending a virtual hug. PRJ20 ☺️💚🦋

lizzie1 profile image
lizzie1 in reply to PRJ20

I can't thank you enough for all the info you have supplied. I have had a horrible day, the GP wants me to have further investigations as the lump is still there 5 weeks on. He even suggested the c word which has totally freaked me. The swelling is approx half way between my ear and collar bone. It's quite an elongated lump and the doc I saw today thought it was a bit low for the parotid gland whereas 2 previous gps said it was my parotid. Sucking lemon sweets has not helped and applying warm compresses has not. I have run my fingers over the area and can't feel a thing.

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