I have Hashi’s and have this week had a new skin issue arise, on my neck.
It’s being treated as shingles, with anti virals, but could really be 101 other things (impetigo/ folliculitis / abscess / cutaneous lupus / you name it) and I don’t have confidence in the diagnosis because the symptoms don’t look all that shingles-y, being as it’s just a small place and not across a wide band, as it typically is. And I don’t have any of the systemic shingles symptoms.
It started as a deep and painful lump under the skin on Monday, with nothing visible on the surface, before exploding into a red raw skin / oozing lesion type of thing by Tuesday. It hasn’t spread since.
My GP prescribed me anti-virals, which had been suggested for me in Urgent Care the day before. But neither GP not Urgent Care were very convinced it was shingles - they just wanted to make sure I had the medication within the 72 hours, in case it was shingles.
What do you do in these circumstances, when medication is prescribed just on the off chance and things are then left up to see how it goes?
Wait and go back in a week if it’s still there? Push for better diagnostics so that doctors don’t just carry on in the same “more likely to be a horse than a zebra” vein? And if so, what would they be?
Sorry for the extremely vague set of facts. I can describe the situation better, if helpful.
I am having bloods drawn next week. Are there any bloods that might be helpful in resolving this type of issue?