suppressed Tsh : Hello again Following on from... - Thyroid UK

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suppressed Tsh

1lolabear profile image
31 Replies

Hello again

Following on from my last post I’d like to update you on my latest conversation with my GP.

He has tried to put the fear of god into me regarding me taking NDT .

He started by saying after our last conversation he’s looked into it and basically he has found no research EVER in having a suppressed TSH Level brings anything healthy in the coming years ahead for me , it will only ever bring bad outcome . He says it could lead to psychosis, anxiety , heart problems and more 🙈 he’s apparently witnessed it in one patient when he was training.

He would like me to reduce my ndt to a minimum to get my TSH in line .

I did hold my corner but it feel absolutely drained know , and a bit panicky if I am really doing he right thing . He’s made me doubt myself. Reassurance would really help . Thanks x I just can’t go back to t4

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1lolabear profile image
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31 Replies
greygoose profile image

Some doctors really are wicked people! How dare he lie to you like that! I very much doubt he's actually 'looked into' anything at all, he's just spouting his own prejudice and ignorance. Your TSH doesn't need to be in range. It's fine where it is. It doesn't do anything much apart from stimulate the thyroid, and as far as that is concerned it is redundant. And lack of it doesn't cause any of the symptoms he mentioned. It doesn't cause any symptoms at all whether it's high or low. It's T3 that causes symptoms and if that is OK, forget the TSH. Your pituitary has more sense than he has, it knows you don't need it!

Just ignore him and do what's best for you. :)

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to greygoose

Thank you again grey goose . I know tomorrow I’ll feel totally different, but as I’m sure you’ve been through the lecture yourself at sometime , it does make you doubt . Levo is never going to be an option from r me again . I Just wish they would accept that we can feel better with another alternative, without saying “it’s only temporary “

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to 1lolabear

Well, they don't know enough about it to say that. They don't understand the differences.. I've even had a pharmacist tell me T4 is the same thing as T3. Which I thought was shocking. Ignorance is rife in the medical world where thyroid is concerned.

Rosebud1955 profile image
Rosebud1955 in reply to greygoose

Yes GG, they’re ignorant and have inflated egos. My ignorant told me that T3 converts to T4 and that t4 is the important hormone. What rubbish coming from the mouths of thes “so called” doctors. I dumped him the moment I left his office. They should be charged criminally for uttering such remarks. They scare me to death, I’m truly afraid of them.

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to Rosebud1955

I’m beginning to get scared of them too if I’m honest!

It’s awful we are made to feel like this , of all my results that came back yesterday he just kept coming back with a “jackonory “ story about what maybe could happen to me down the line . .. but just hope when I ever have to go to see the GP again there’s not a huge red flag in my notes stating I’m on the “devils”drug

I couldn’t go through that lecture every time . X

Rosebud1955 profile image
Rosebud1955 in reply to 1lolabear

Just continue to advocate for your health. Continue to listen to the wonderful people on this forum. We don’t need ignorant doctors that make us more unwell.

Bertwills profile image
Bertwills in reply to 1lolabear

I take T3 only, prescribed by Roseways chemists now. I don’t tell my GPs any of my results. They know I’m hypo & have my old results but if they ask I tell them I have a private prescription . They don’t have the right to know or test you so how do they know your TSH results? Are you having NHS blood tests? You don’t need to.

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to Bertwills

I think I will go down the route of saying I’m getting a private prescription. I have opted out of the nhs blood test , but they still took it the bloods . I will write another letter to strongly state no !

Bertwills profile image
Bertwills in reply to 1lolabear

Ask the phlebotomist what’s on the form before the test. Refuse in writing to have thyroid tests. It’s not their business anymore. Or their responsibility. Refuse to engage with any discussion of your thyroid treatment. It’s tough to do but better for you. You’ve chosen to opt out so they should let you.

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to Bertwills

Would you kindly PM me to how you get your scripts etc , just in case for future reference? Thanks

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Rosebud1955


I'm on T4 and T3 combi and my TSH is suppressed, mind you it was on Levo at high enough doses. I'll hazard a guess that there will be a lot of anxious, neurotic, psychotic hypo patients with heart problems then, judging by your GP's opinion. Suppressed TSH happens a lot, especially when using products containing T3.

Sorry but it sounds like BS. I'll take improved quality of life now over abstract risk in the future. Anything we do has risk, just getting out of bed is risky, so is staying in bed.

The more pertinent question is how you feel, and frankly if you aren't getting NDT via NHS then its not really any of your GP's business. His anecdotes do not equal evidence.

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to Sparklingsunshine

Thank you . I feel absolutely amazing compared to what I felt on levo . X

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to 1lolabear

And I’m self sourcing

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to 1lolabear

I'd be tempted to inwardly tell your GP to jog on then 😆. Quality of life is the most important thing.

Brightness14 profile image

In reply I had my thyroid removed back in 2015 and my TSH has been supressed for nearly 10 years now. I still have the letter from my professor surgeon to any GP treating me. It states that my thyroid should always be suppressed. On NDT too. I would just help yourself that's what I do. I only became well after joining this site and fixing myself from the wonderful people on here with all of their knowledge.

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to Brightness14

I hope you’re now feeling better in yourself, it’s one big battle isn’t it ! I hope you’re GP took his letter on board , mine just freaks out at the thought of it being suppressed 🙈

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to 1lolabear

I am in France so, maybe different here.

pennyannie profile image

Hello 1lolabear :

Your health and well being are more important than where your TSH is or is not :

The TSH was originally introduced as a diagnostic tool to help identify a person suffering from hypothyroidism and once the person was a patient - the T3 and T4 were measured and the dose adjusted according to symptoms if some, were still being tolerated.

Now the TSH is the stick we get beaten down with !!

though the TSH is considered by medical professionals who aren't suffering hypothyroidism the Gold Standard and tells them all they need to know - which is diddly squat :

Ignorance is bliss and making stupid comments seem power for the course when a doctor is out of his comfort zone with his dogma questioned, and these sort of comments don't help anyone and just breed distrust and loss of respect.

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to pennyannie

Thank you for your valuable answer yet again . I’ve just got to rise above him .

The naughty part for me was I emailed to opt out of having any future bloods (TSh) but they still did them !

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to 1lolabear

I'd make sure you opt out of any future ones, you aren't obliged to have them, they aren't helping you in anyway and are just a stick for your GP to beat you with. Its not worth the drama.

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to Sparklingsunshine

Absolutely I will ! Thank you

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to 1lolabear

Once settled on Thyroid S - I wrote to my surgery stating what I had done and that they could cancel my T4 prescription.

I offered to make myself available for the yearly thyroid function test providing the TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 were run -

I received no reply - and I know they received my letter as I delivered it myself -

T4 dropped off my prescription about 18 months later - and I just tick 3 monthly for my Preservative Free eye drops and Vagifem for womb atrophy - which have both been substituted without any discussion - and have had to be re-ordered when the substitutes have not worked for me.

I haven't had need to see a doctor since 2018 :

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to pennyannie

I also forgot to mention he said I would go into a thyroid storm !!

pennyannie profile image
pennyannie in reply to 1lolabear

Well - I'll see you in there then - just bring an umbrella !!

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to pennyannie


serenfach profile image

Have a read of these -

The TSH is really slow to react to changes in T3 and T4 levels. Sometimes it never reacts when it has been really low. If you did not take any thyroid drugs at all for some time, the TSH would still be really low. The "feed back loop" just breaks down.

I dont know if it is worth your time to print and send to the GP, he is content in his ignorance, but it may be worth it to shake his Godlike status, and help future patents.

What is the difference between an Endo and God?

God does not think he is an Endo.

TaraJR profile image

I've asked leading endos whether it's a suppressed TSH, or high T4/T3 that can lead to problems - as we're told so often that a suppressed TSH can be dangerous. They've all told me it's not the TSH itself.

I've collated their responses, but can't add here in Word. I'll work out a way and make a new post.

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to TaraJR

Much appreciated!

1lolabear profile image
1lolabear in reply to 1lolabear

Would you kindly let me know when you post . Thank you

1lolabear profile image

it’s very tempting I must say …. I will have a real think about this one . A fantastic article ! Thanks

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