I recently posted my iron test results which were on the high side and therefore I didn't need to supplement and if possible I should try to bring my levels down.
I am about to start taking Vitamin B supplements based on a Blue Horizon thyroid test. My question is - will B supplements increase my iron levels? I've tried googling to find the answer but got totally confused.
Thanks, Sabby
Iron results:
CRP HS 1.22 mg/L (0 - 3) 40.7%
Iron 25.7 umol/L (10 - 30) 78.5%
TIBC 57.1 umol/L (45 - 81) 33.6%
UIBC 31.4 umol/L (13 - 56) 42.8%
Transferrin Saturation 45 % (25 - 45) 100.0%
Ferritin 122 ug/L (30 - 332) 30.5%
Thyroid results:
Serum Folate 14.9 (8.83-60.8) 11.7%
Active B12 82 (37.5-150) 39.6%