Hi all, I'm been having sudden extreme fatigue/crashes throughout the day to the point of exhaustion. Even climbing the stairs to bed is daunting. I've also been feeling off balance, ear ringing, skin feels strange, weakness in lower legs etc. I have hypothyroidism and hashimoto's and I'm currently taking t3 (10 morning 5 afternoon and 5 late evening). I dont have current vitamin levels but will be getting them done soon. I'm also getting a rushing feeling throughout my upper body (can only describe it like an unpleasant adrenaline rush!) I've have been extremely stressed over the past 6 months and wondering if it could be my adrenals causing these awful symptoms? Lastest thyroid results attached which are dreadful so my doc has given me t4 (50mg) which i started two days ago but symptoms going on 8 days now.
Weakness, extreme fatigue 8 days. : Hi all, I'm... - Thyroid UK
Weakness, extreme fatigue 8 days.

oh bless you, you must feel dreadful and the blood tests confirm your levels aren’t right as you say.
My understanding is that when our thyroid hormones are low for extended periods of time our adrenals can pick up the slack for so long and then… yes exactly as you say, crash. This is how I felt when I was diagnosed. I have Hashimoto’s too.
Are you in a position to take some time out, rest and recuperate? You are unwell and need sick leave or similar equivalent for your circumstances.
The 50mcg T4 will take weeks to help and you are likely to need more than 50mcg, increasing every 6 weeks and then checking if FT3 is too high.
rest rest rest, eat well and see if the GP will help with adrenal testing maybe?
Thank you for your reply and kindness. I do feel dreadful. I've been resting at home for 8 days now debating whether or not to book a gp appointment as my thyroid tests are so recent. I will book tomorrow to get vitamins levels tested as it's been a while since I tested them. Did you have adrenal issues?

20mcgs T3 as monotherapy is a very low dose and no wonder you're suffering. A more usual dose is around 60mcgs for full replacement.
If you wanted to stick with monotherapy then Levo isn't going to help that much and it will take some time for your numbers and symptoms to settle more.
Is there a reason you're on T3 monotherapy?
No doubt your adrenals will be struggling if you dont have enough thyroid hormone.
Hi, I started on t4 only but never felt well (like I reacted badly to t4) so I requested t3 only and I was doing OK on 20mcgs until 8 days ago when I crashed suddenly while out on a short walk on the beach and struggled to make it back to my hotel. So started to add t4 2 days ago. Each time I try to increase t3 I get palpitations and insomnia even tiny dose increase so im thinkingmy adrenals are maxed out my body can't even handle the smallest of stress.
Many people need 100-125mcgs Levo alongside 15-20mcgs T3 so no wonder you're very under replaced.
Often people dont do well on Levo due to not taking enough of it and/or low vitamin levels.
Most hypo people get low stomach acid which means vitamin absorption from foods is reduced. Low vitamin levels result in intolerance of thyroid hormone & also your thyroid hormone wont work well.
Suggest you get the vitamin levels run urgently as this is just as important as taking the right amount of each thyroid hormone.
Hi, I was up to 100mcgs t4 initially and had awful symptoms at the time so decided to try t3 monotherapy. I have been taking antacids daily the last 6-8 months so its quite possible that my vitamins are low. I stopped the antacids 2 weeks ago and started a good multivitamin 3 days ago so hopefully it helps. My thyroid doc is away until the 9th of August so I'll book in to discuss an increase in t4. I'll book a vitamins test ASAP. Thank you
This group doesn't recommend the use of multivitamins due to them containing iodine, iron that will prevent you absorbing all the other vitamins, too lower dose to raise your level enough, poor quality, inactive vitamins.
Don’t take any supplements that contain biotin in 5-7 days before any blood tests
Multivitamins never recommended on here any way
Many, many members find they need to take separate vitamin D, separate magnesium and separate vitamin B complex
Initially often separate B12 as well
And many struggle to maintain good iron/ferritin, especially if on inadequate thyroid replacement
Always test first and retest at least annually, preferably more frequently initially