my GP told me that I tried cold turkey do better put you back on 100mcg as an ex nurse I told him I needed to titrate I saw a fab locum who told me I was right she checked me over took blood tests and was amazing xxx I also saw a local pharmacist who advised me extremely well as regards vitamins to take and how to take them consequently I feel fab after a monthxxx. Dont mess around with meds and keep adding more and more meds to your body just take a few as possible as your body is an amazing creation xxx thanks
update on my GP taking me off Levothyroxine aft... - Thyroid UK
update on my GP taking me off Levothyroxine after 30 yearsx. After three months he made a big mistake I titrated myself back and added vits

I agree wholeheartedly. BUT endocrinology have not got any conviction in its specialism/research/treatment and cardiology for example, the opposite. Endos tend to under treat and cardios over treat.
I was just saying this morning it’s as if endocrinology is ‘ghost’ specialism. It’s there but not there really for hypo patients. It might as well not be in existence for the experience of the bulk of people on this Forum. At best they seem to only cause bother.
Hi Cuddlebun, glad to read you’re good! Do you mean you went slowly back up to 100 T4? Had your GP taken you off it suddenly? Ta
yes he took me completely off Levothocine said I should never of gone on it and apologies on behalf of NHS I believed him
Even if the diagnosis had been wrong thirty years ago, it has been grossly mishandled.
There will effectively be absolutely NO research to show how such a mis-diagnosis, followed by thirty years of treatment, has been handled in other cases - and guide what to do. So what he decided to do is guesswork - and not well-informed.
And he has also been so presumptuous as to apologise to you on behalf of previous doctors. He is condemning their clinical judgement, saying he knows better, cloaking himself with the glory of delivering this apology. Yet - from what I can gather - he has done nothing to establish what best to do by consulting experts, has not reported this egregious mis-diagnosis of so long ago through formal reporting mechanisms, yet assumes he has the answer.
I am pleased that you are now well. My question is, why did you let him?
Good to hear you are feeling better. I hope he also then apologised to you for his own misdiagnosis and taking you off your levo suddenly or at least explained why he did this.
If your GP really did take you off Levo after all that time, you have a case for medical negligence. If he has done this to you, he has done it to others and should not be practicing. Write and explain what happened to your local health board and ask him to be retrained.
I am glad you are feeling better.
just to be clear why he took me off and why I fell for it was 🙋♀️ I had had a chesty cough which I was told by friends was this hundred day cough which was circulating I felt reallly poorly in the mornings so just gave myself a few days off my meds and felt a bit better! I went to see my GP who wasn’t at all interested in my cough or how I felt and when I told him I had come off my meds for a couple of days and felt a lot better he said I will look at your health history after checking his screen he turned his chair to me and said Ilona I must apologies on behalf of the NHS as you should never of been out on it 30years ago x. because I was feeling so well at that point I thought he must of been correct . I believed him and to be honest I felt great for two months and then I started to feel tired weepy depressed and that’s why I went back to him he told me well you went cold turkey go back to 100mcg and dismissed me I felt so ill at the time I demanded 50mcg to titrate myself which he reluctantly prescribed but I needed help and when I returned absolutely a mess I saw a locum who was fab then I visited a pharmacist and started my own path back to feeling better x. I trusted him and as a ex nurse I should of known better sadly our health care is sham in all areas at the moment and it is scary