what i am about to post might seem quite random but i am trying to get to the bottom of an unsolved problem that has been going on for about almost three weeks. I have been backwards and forwards to out of hours, gp and my pharmacist, that i am starting to get a bit feed up.
so it all started about three weeks when i woke up one day feeling nauseous. So I just assumed that i was hungry as my body way of telling me its hungry is to make nauseous. So I ate lots that day hopping i would feel better and nothing really changed. So off i went to out of hours after phoning 111. I was given some meds that made me feel worse. Which lead me back to down to out of hours almost a week later. I was then told i needed to have a urine sample done but not knowing that i went a wee before i left. So they gave me some different meds to take and told me to take a sample to my gp the following day. Just in case it was in my urine i decied not to get the meds from the pharmacist just in case i would have to take it back and collect another set of meds. 3 days later i found out nothing was wrong with my urine, so i took my prescription to down to the pharmacist who told me to go see a gp as out of hours has given a me a prescription worth £253 which would take 3 days to come in. Popped into the gp surgery and asked for the lquid alternative as i struggle to take pills which turned out the only alternative was the one that was making me feel worse. So I had no choice but to have the pills as it was that or nothing as my gp was not letting me have the meds worth £253 as they are not licensed. I have now been on these pills for about a week. I meant to be taking three a day but my sleeping schedule only allows for me to have two a day as they have to be taken 8 hours apart. Yet despite taking pills that are meant to stop me feeling nauseous i still don't feel much better.
I am going round in circles as i dont know what to do any more and its getting to the point that I have felt nauseous for so long that its starting to feel normal. I also haven't thrown up once the whole time I have felt this way. I also don't have any other symptoms other than always feeling nauseous. However if it makes any difference i have hypothyroidism so i have to take levothyroxine 50 mg and i was told on my last blood test that I was one up. However they chose to not take my dosage down as I was down on the blood test i had the time before that one which meant that I could go back down. I wish i could just get to the bottom of this as i dont like feeling the way i do.