I went to the doc here to at least get blood work here where I live in Virginia. I moved here last November. My doctor who I've been going to is I Indiana and I do have apptmt w her on April 10, next Friday. I can't wait to go and yes, I'm driving all that way and ins doesn't cover her but I don't care I will pay.
Well, I go to this general practitioner and she gives me this speech about how the desicated meds are unbalanced compared to prescribed like levo. I told her I was on levo and it did nothing for me and still had the symptoms. She said she can't prescribe any of the desicated meds as they are not regulated. She said let's try the Levo again. I told her I didn't think it was good idea to take me off nature thyroid and after coming off my armour, my body can't take another jolt. She said let's get blood work done and see where I'm at. She said again I can only do the regulated meds lol. I'm not doing this you guys and putting my body thru this. I was on levo a high dose and told her this and it seems like it didn't matter to her. I know my body and what I've been thru. Here is an example of all doctors are not createdv equal.
I will be taking my blood work to my doc in Indiana and she is not covered by insuranc either and will pay out of pocket and worth every penny to me. I get my results next week and will post.
Am I missing something here or being stubborn????