Following on from my last post.
I have a GP appointment next week so, in preparation did a MMH thyroid test and got the results this morning.
TSH 0.08 mIU/L (.27 - 4.2) -4.8%
Free T4 (fT4) 21.1 pmol/L (12 - 22) 91.0%
Free T3 (fT3) 4 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8) 24.3%
T4:T3 Ratio 5.275
Now I know that if I show the GP this he'll just say that it confirms I need a reduction in Levo as he'll only look at the TSH.
(I know my FT4 is high but I don't function well with it much lower. I was first diagnosed by a GP who was hypo and after the initial testing/adjusting doses always asked how I felt. I'll never forget one thing she said to me -- "I see you like to run your numbers high to feel ok - I'm exactly the same")
My T4 has consistently been between 19-21 for years along with a below range TSH.
GP also wants to discuss cholesterol so I suppose I can use the very low FT3 to argue that that's a contributing factor, along with my very low ferritin levels.
My T4/T3 conversion is worse on this last test than the previous one. The only difference is I've stopped my HRT. (No intention of going back on HRT due to negative physical and psychological effects.)
Should I concentrate on pursuing treatment for low ferritin and argue the point that if that level is good then my T3 may well increase and my cholesterol decrease?
And should I be asking for Endo referral at this point?
It would be so much easier if my original GP hadn't left. Discussing a condition with someone who also has the same thing is so much easier than trying to explain exactly what hypo-tiredness feels like to someone who just doesn't 'get it'.