Hello, I'm a long time hypothyroid patient but the last few years after covid have been a wild ride finding the right dose again. I'm curious if anyone can offer insight as to why the first one to two weeks of a medication dose increase I feel amazing and then I tank horribly after. All the hypo symptoms return...bloating, fatigue, brain fog, hyperkeratinization and folliculitis, low BP, dry lifeless skin, depressed, joint paint, etc.
I have tried all types of thyroid medications, natural dessicated and synthetic, but this typically is the trajectory...feel amazing and then horrible. Moreso these past few years. I suspsect I've been undermedicated since they dropped my dose after thyroiditis from covid in 2021 which sent me in the hyper/less hypo direction (had to cut Synthroid dose in half for months).
Just curious if this is indicative of needing a dose increase. Clearly the medication helps me initially. My last TSH was 2.6 and I finally convinced the doctor to bump me up from 75mcg 4d/wk and 88mcg 3 d/wk to daily 88mcg. Prior to covid I used to be on 100mcg levo daily. Anythoughts and insight is greatly appreciated.