Hey all, does anyone else have APS or a knowledge of how it can interact with Thyroid issues? I understand they are both autoimmune conditions.I was diagnosed in 2016 due to miscarriages (no clotting episodes, fingers crossed). I had heparin injections whilst pregnant but told I wouldn't need anything afterwards.
Now I've been retested by GP and still have antibodies, so been referred to Haematology (18 week wait).
I've done lots of reading but crikey it's confusing and I don't know if I should be taking asprin as a precaution or not.
I'm also worried about the link with adrenal insufficiency (my cortisol is low) and my symptoms which are mainly chronic fatigue (as this seems to also be an APS symptom)
Gah, I want to go back to 2016 when u wasn't worried about my health and had never been to hospital!!