Hi everyone
I have not posted on here for a long time however things have been going on that requires a little bit of help and support.
Firstly I am type 2 Diabetic but that is by the by I was referred to the Orthopaedic clinic in 2013 with arthritis in the left knee at that time I was given physiotherapy which only exascipated the pain however this was defined as surgery was not essential, plus I was having gall Bladder problems and evntually this was removed in July 2014.
Since then the arthritis has continued to get worse and I was referred back to the hospital in 209 where xrays were taken and it was decided knee replacements were required due to deteioration, the consultant placed me on the waiting list since then I have no less than 6 pre-op assessments and a downright refusal to operate because the consultant stated I had Bilateral Lymphodeema.
I have attended the lymphdeema clinic and was advised this is not Lymphodeema as I would not be able to walk because the condition is extremely painful which proved that it was an excuse not to operate the arthritis is getting worse daily I am taking 120mg pain killers per day and using Ibuprofen 5%gel 3x per day.
I have a 2nd opinion on 08/04/24 for the knee replacement of the left leg and due to the joint protruding I hope this will be in my favour
As I am Diabetic another excuse used about poor diabetes control which was a total fabrication as my blood sugars were the best they could be at 7.01 for an under active thyroid person I was told by my endo that aslong as my blood sugars were 8.00 and below there should not be a problem so what would like to know is there any connection to the problems with Hypothyroidism to everything I have posted about