My zinc is low. I don't absorb it through my stomach. MY GP has offered NOTHING. Says I'm her only patient with this problem. Zinc patches are available online. WHY DOESN'T NHS OFFER THESE! My fury cannot be measured.
Low Zinc: My zinc is low. I don't absorb it... - Thyroid UK
Low Zinc

My GP said "I haven't got a clue and have never tested before" referred me to the dietitian who suggested I eat Special K! Even though I had told her I couldn't tolerate barley and certainly didn't think sugary cereal was a great suggestion π thanks but no thanks
I've been taking zinc picolinate and it seems to be doing the trick as dare I say it my histamine intolerance is less of an issue... I don't suppose there is any chance I can get them to retest π
Have you tried the liquid ionic zinc?
We had a chat about it here...
Hi. yes I've tried liquids. make no difference. I'm using patches at the moment but am mad as hell at the NHS and at my GP for not taking this further with the right governing authorities.
you are so right. I t ried iron patches. they did no good at all.
MY GP has offered NOTHING. Says I'm her only patient with this problem.
She hasn't got any other hypo patients, then? Because it's fairly common for hypos to have low zinc - low zinc and high copper. The two work together like a seesaw: one goes up, the other goes down. It's a hypo symptom.
Hi there I once had zinc so low the lab phoned me and told me to buy some zinc urgently as they had been unable to find any in my sample. I'm afraid the NHS does not and cannot accept that most if not all disease states (dis-ease of the body) can be helped with vitamin and mineral testing to show deficiencies - most of them won't be needed if we find a reason to stop illness. One of the best books I have ever read is Stephen Langer's - Solved the Riddle of Illness - which set me off knowing I had a thyroid problem as well as Lupus. Everything was being blamed on Lupus in the early days. Some companies do liquid zinc drops - I use them if I have an upset stomach (dire-rear). However, be careful with zinc tablets as they are corrosive always take with food and not at night - I was told by a Dr I was seeing privately that because I was so low on zinc that carbs depleted any zinc I might take and to take at night on an empty stomach - this caused me to end up with gastritis which has caused me problems over the years so be careful - it can also make you constipated for reasons I mentioned earlier.
However, in my opinion and from years of research and experiences resulting in major vitamin and mineral deficiencies - zinc deficiency is never one thing - it is a sign one of the chains in the pathway is disrupted - if I were you I would take a good multi vitamin which will supply you with all the nutrients needed by the thyroid and adrenal glands - one good company I use and they are part of the 'professional' group Lamberts is Nature's Best - I have found taking one deficient item - makes all the others go out of kilter - I know this because I was fortunate enough to have every deficiency tested every three months - was given what was showing to be deficient and then three months later something else went out. Don't take too high a dose of multi either as not needed if you do eat well - if you don't then you probably will require a higher dose - I find it I take too high a dose of B complex I spend most of the day peeing - but then that's just me !
Hope this helps !
thanks a lot for all the info. Taking zinc orally makes no difference as it does not seem to absorb through my gut. I am currently using zinc patches which seem to make a difference to my levels.
Have you been tested for celiac disease - malabsorption etc. - zinc needs C and other items to be absorbed - a good multi might do the trick !
Taking zinc orally makes no difference as it does not seem to absorb through my gut.
You might find this article of interest. It would make sense to try a different kind of zinc supplement to see if you absorb it.