Water Fluoridation: What Doctors Need to KnowDr Sheena Meredith|Disclosures|15 February 2024
'The government's dental recovery plan, published last week, includes new legal powers for expansion of water fluoridation. NHS England described this as a "first time ever" roll out, and said the proposals "could reduce the number of tooth extractions due to decay in the most deprived areas of the country". However, the programme is likely to attract controversy. Medscape News UK looked at different perspectives on what is often a polarised debate.'
This is the excerpt on hypothyroidism
'Fluoridation Linked With Hypothyroidism
In 2015, the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health published a population level study that raised concerns about a correlation between fluoride levels in water supplies and the prevalence of hypothyroidism.
The study showed that general practices in the West Midlands, a wholly fluoridated area, were almost twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism prevalence as those in nonfluoridated Greater Manchester. It concluded that there were "particular concerns about the validity of community fluoridation as a safe public health measure". '