India's cities in the grip of thyroid disease a... - Thyroid UK

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India's cities in the grip of thyroid disease as new study reveals one in ten suffer from disorders

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK
11 Replies

The handling of thyroid in the UK is often woefully inadequate. So we lament the NHS and the private sector. Every so often, though, it might be interesting to read about elsewhere in the world.

India's cities in the grip of thyroid disease as new study reveals one in ten suffer from disorders

At least one in every 10 persons in India is suffering from hypothyroidism, a study published in Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism revealed.

The study was conducted in eight major cities - Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Goa, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Kolkata - to study the prevalence of hypothyroidism among the adult population.

"The nationwide prevalence of thyroid disorders, particularly hypothyroidism, was assessed in adults residing in various urban cities that represent diverse geographical regions of India.

"The prevalence of hypothyroidism was high, affecting approximately one in 10 adults. Female gender and old age were found to have significant association with hypothyroidism," stated the study.

Read more:

Do follow up - though I am afraid I cannot find the original paper.

It does very much raise further the questions over why this wave of thyroid disorder seems to be everywhere.


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helvella profile image
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11 Replies

Very interesting piece looking at another country. You pose a good question too - is there a hypo epidemic or is it that more prople are aware and are coming forward and being diagnosed? Perhaps in the past, so many just thought this was their lot, they aged very rapidly and died relatively young?

PR4NOW profile image

Rod, I believe this is the study. PR

Hopefully, the link works.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to PR4NOW

Thanks PR!

Think my eyes weren't working last night. :-)

er.. may I dare to say a lot of Indians don't eat meat? didn't Dr K get in trouble for prescribing fellow UK Indians B12? (& making them better?)

Vitamins/minerals are building blocks to health, deficiencies are not recognised much by doctors in favour of 'meds' ?? OK not read the study, will do - just my thoughts for now J :D

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to

Vitamin D levels are all too frequently low as well.

Darker skins utilise the sun less effectively in producing vitamin D and people generally seem to be out in the sun less, I have read.

in reply to

I meant Dr Chandy

Blimey! It will be interesting to see how the sufferers are treated and no doubt Big Pharma will be rubbing their hands with glee.

Marz profile image
Marz most thyroid illness in the world is auto-immune - then it could be due to the changes in peoples diets from traditional to more Western. The health of the gut is paramount in preventing any auto-immune condition. Then the mal-absorption of vitamins and minerals follows creating problems for the thyroid or whichever part of the anatomy the antibodies decide to attack. Or could it be chicken and egg - and that the gut lining is degraded due to low levels of vitamins....ummm and so the thoughts keep tumbling around !

I understand in the Middle East RA is prevalent due to everyone being well covered from the sun. VitD is so important for us all - and of course our pets know this and seek out those sunny spots whenever possible !

Thank you for posting Rod.....

fennel profile image

What about the use of antibiotics causing dysbiosis and leading to lack of vitamin B12 being made by the gut bacteria, and problems with absorption of all minerals and vitamins due to the wrong sorts of gut bacteria replacing what has been killed off.

vajra profile image

My sense too is that steadily intensifying dietary (too much sugar, milk, white flour, trans fats and the like), nutritional deficiencies (absence of key foodstuffs and/or deficient intensively farmed crops), lifestyle (chronic stress/busy-busy mental intensity), medicines (overuse of antibiotics as Fennel says) and environmental factors/toxicities/pollution act with whatever inherited tendency to produce thyroid disease and chronic fatigue.

That the incidence of thryoid trouble is as a result rising rapidly, and that we're headed for a major epidemic. Probably worldwide, or at least in westernised societies..


MaryMary profile image

Interesting report thanks.

I would like to add that in addition to vit D deficiency ( the women generally cover up well and don't go out in the sun but with the darker skin they need more vit D then paler skin) the study talks about iodine deficiency being worse inland and that salt has had iodine added to it more recently. Maybe, the lack of iodine before this has had the effect of increasing the rate of hypothyroidism and the incidence may reduce with the younger generation? I wonder whether we'll be getting iodine added to our salt or other food in the uk?


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