Here are my results from 27/11/23.
t3. 4.6 (3.5-6.5)
T4 9.8 (11.5-22.7)
Tsh 2.04. (0.55 - 4.78)
I reduced carbimazole to 10mg from 15 when these results came back. My average heart rate according to Fitbit has been in the 60s for some time but was at 57 for a week in November.
Today my average heart rate has dropped to 56 again and can be in the 40s at night. Do you think I should reduce to 5mg or stop temporarily to get my heart rate back up or what should I do. I have had dizzy spells and been feeling tired and a bit weird but feel ok so far today.
Any advice as I'm a bit concerned heart rate is so low. I've been doing exercise too and it's still reading low.